If this thing can be successful.

The horrific economic benefits it brings are secondary.

Fame and suppression of the Chen family.

This is the main benefit.

So Lin Jianjun and Meng Yuelan were also quite excited.

And Qi Yuanwei, who completely understood the importance of the matter.

He also hurriedly continued to urge the production of pharmaceuticals.

You must do your best to rush the work.

Looking at the few people who were already excited.

Lin Yuan was quite calm.

Because he had already planned all of this.

And it's just part of his plan.

So there is no rush at all.

And Father Lin and Mother Lin were so excited that they wanted to go into production themselves.

He calmed down after a while.

After calming down, Lin Jianjun turned to Lin Yuan with some worry and asked:"By the way Yuan'er, since we know the news about the flu, then the Chen family must also know about it. Do you think they will also know about it?" Intervene in this matter, develop special medicines, and compete with us?"

After calming down, Lin Jianjun obviously had a lot on his mind.

Have begun to realize that this is both an opportunity and a risk.

The Chen family's medical background is definitely much deeper than that of the Lin family.

Despite Lin Yuan's reminder, the Lin family also discovered this and might even have made the medicine first.

But the Chen family.

How do you know if you will intervene?

It seemed that he had known that Lin Jianjun would ask.

Lin Yuan smiled and took a sip of tea, then said with a faint smile:"There is no doubt that the Chen family will definitely get involved in the flu. They usually make a big deal about the seasonal flu, and they want to publicize it as dangerous as a tiger. This time It was so shocking how could they let it go if there was a situation?"

"But don’t worry about them, we can just continue to make medicine."

The question raised by Lin Jianjun.

Lin Yuan had already thought of it.

He could even deduce the next actions of the Chen family and Ye Feng. He had even prepared a trap for them.

So he didn't panic at all.

When Lin's father and Lin's mother saw Lin Yuan looked calm.

He was also relieved and relieved.

Then the three of them did not leave the biopharmaceutical factory.

Lin Yuan found a comfortable place to sit.

Sometimes he flirted with Mei Yu Xianyan Ruyue and others, and sometimes he dealt with Gui Qingtong was fiery.

When he was idle, he even inquired about the situation of Yun Yaxuan and the Yun family.

On the other side, Father Lin and Mother Lin were not as calm as Lin Yuan.

They understood that this infectious flu After the matter became very important, they even went to the battle in person to supervise the work.




It's late afternoon.

At this time, the news about influenza has been and has been confirmed to be true.

Therefore, the Internet and other media have also been slightly liberalized.

Many people are already discussing it online.

The entire Jiangbei began to be affected.

I have seen reports on the Internet that the flu situation is quite serious.

Lin Jianjun and Meng Yuelan also found Lin Yuan.

And asked Lin Yuan:"Yuan'er, do you want to let the news out that we have developed a special medicine?"


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