Everyone who gets this flu disease will have a fever, cold and runny nose.

These are not the most critical.

If that's all.

Well, there are actually similar flu illnesses every year.

Some people will get colds and fevers every year.

So it doesn't seem surprising.

This flu disease is very serious.

It's highly contagious!

And there are drugs currently on the market.

There is no way to achieve a significant therapeutic effect!

And in the original work.

Naturally, it was Ye Feng who developed the relevant antidote for influenza.

Then he saved many people.

Contained the flu.

Then use this to become famous in Jiangbei.

Not only the reputation among the people has been greatly improved.

And it also received official appreciation and so on.

The skylight has been opened for all business and official careers.

But now that I know.

Then Lin Yuan would naturally not let Ye Feng have this opportunity again.

After hearing the news.

Lin Yuan directly dialed Lin's father Lin Jianjun's phone number

"Hello, Dad. As I said before, how is the production of the special medicine code-named x? Lin

Yuan asked on the phone

"Ah, I was just about to call you and tell you. Everything is ready and production started this morning. Lin

Jianjun quickly replied

"That's good. By the way, I'll go to the factory later to check on the production situation."

After thinking about it, Lin Yuan said.

The production of this medicine is quite important.

So it is of great importance.

Lin Yuan plans to go and see it in person.

"Okay, how about you come to the company, and your mother and I will take you to our pharmaceutical factory."

Lin Jianjun said


Lin Yuan agreed.

Then he hung up the phone.

Although he proposed Lin's entry into the pharmaceutical industry, he has never been there personally about the Lin family's biopharmaceutical factory. Basically, it was Lin's father Lin. It was arranged by his mother and the others. Lin Yuan only gave some prescriptions and put forward some important ideas.

"Has production started yet? The timing is right. The opportunity to severely damage the Chen family is coming.……"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuan muttered as he stepped on the accelerator and accelerated the car to the Lin Group.



Inside the Chen family mansion

"Xiaofeng, how is your leg? Is it feeling better?"

Sitting in the main seat of the Chen family lobby, Chen Meng, the head of the Chen family, asked Ye Feng who was sitting in a wheelchair.

"It's much better. After my master showed it to me, it's basically nothing serious."

Holding the armrest of the wheelchair, Ye Feng replied.

But the palm of his hand holding the armrest was squeezed tightly unconsciously. At the same time, Ye Feng's face also became a little gloomy.

Although he knew that Chen Meng was concerned.

But when he mentioned this matter, let He remembered the scene where he was embarrassed at the Tang family's banquet not long ago.

The old dog of the Tang family actually believed Lin Yuan's words.

Someone broke his legs alive!

He was beaten to half a disability.

If It’s not that the Chen family arrived in time to take him away.

It’s also that he went back to Yaowang Valley to seek treatment from the Master Living Buddha.

He was really both immortal and disabled.

"By the way, I returned to Yaowang Valley this time and got a lot of unique recipes from my master. The sophistication of many of the prescriptions is definitely no worse than those of the Lin family's improved medicines. Uncle Chen, when will we start a head-on war with the Lin family?"

Ye Feng asked Chen Meng.

Not long ago, he was plotted by Lin Yuan.

He had his legs broken in front of the Tang family and was humiliated.

Now Ye Feng's hatred for Lin Yuan and the Lin family has reached another level.

I can’t wait to have sex with the Lin family head-on.

"These two days! I am already integrating all walks of life and gathering the strength of my Chen family! This time either the Lin family dies or my Chen family dies!"

Chen Meng also gritted his teeth and said


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