After the girl took off her mask.

What was revealed was a delicate and lovely face.

It seems to have the cuteness of a loli and the purity of a girl.

She is very good-looking and is definitely a very cute little beauty.

Plus the tremor in his upper body when he suddenly stood up.

The girl stall owner who originally wore a mask was none other than someone else.

It was Xie Shiyin, the elder sister of the Xie twins whom Lin Yuan had taught music and rescued once before.

The twin sisters from the Xie family were also former classmates and friends of Gui Qingtong.

Xie Shiyin was also quite surprised at this time.

Obviously he didn't expect to meet Lin Yuan here.

Looking at Xie Shiyin in surprise.

Lin Yuan smiled and picked up this exquisite little picture.

At the same time, he scanned the QR code and transferred ten yuan to Xie Shiyin.

Then he smiled and said:"Okay, I'll buy it for ten yuan. Thank you to this teacher for his masterpiece. It's very beautiful."

He looked at this small picture.

Lin Yuan smiled at Xie Shiyin.

I saw that Lin Yuan actually bought his painting that no one cared about.

Xie Shiyin was also very happy

, but a little embarrassed

"Lin...Teacher Lin, stop laughing at me……"

Xie Shiyin said a little embarrassed.

She knew that Lin Yuan's painting skills were much better than hers.

In addition, the pictures she drew were still small ones.

So I'm a little embarrassed.

Lin Yuan smiled and said:"I'm not kidding you. You are really good at painting. It is better than before. By the way, how did you paint this painting?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's question.

A slight blush appeared on Xie Shiyin's pretty face.

Apparently he understood what Lin Yuan was asking.

Because Lin Yuan had been to her house before.

And also found those little pictures she had drawn before.

Xie Shiyin painted it before.

Basically, I draw with reference to my own body and so on.

But those were only seen by Lin Yuan.

But Lin Yuan still felt quite ashamed when she mentioned it now.

After hearing Lin Yuan's question.

I was afraid that Lin Yuan would misunderstand.

Xie Shiyin also quickly explained:"This time I changed my learning method and imitation objects. I referred to these paintings from the masterpieces of many teachers, and then I learned from them bit by bit and then painted them."

Lin Yuan nodded:"Oh, that's it. The painting this time is indeed much more scientific than before, and it looks more refined and reasonable. Of course, I'm not saying that the painting you painted before was unreasonable."

Lin Yuan said while looking at it with a smile. Take a look at Xie Shiyin's upper body.

Noticed Lin Yuan's eyes.

Listen to Lin Yuan's words.

Xie Shiyin was happy for Lin Yuan's praise.

The other side is also a little shy and embarrassed.

Because she understood the meaning of what Lin Yuan said.

The reason why Lin Yuan said that her painting this time was scientific.

My previous drawings were unscientific.

It's because she was referring to the paintings of other famous painters this time.

And what she had referenced before.

Basically myself.

But if she draws her own figure, draw it on paper.

It always seems very exaggerated.

It seems very unscientific.

But she did draw it based on her own structure and so on.

There is no deliberate exaggeration.

So this is why Lin Yuan said that what she painted was not unreasonable.


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