
And after Lin Yuan said he wanted to reveal the matter.

As expected, Xu Wannian didn't dare to hang up the phone.

There was only a slightly rapid breathing sound from the other end of the phone.

Mei Yuxian on the side looked at Lin Yuan with surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Could it be that what Lin Yuan and Lin Yuan said was true?

Is the Xu family's capital chain really broken?

How did Lin Yuan know?

Mei Yuxian's beautiful eyes are full of curiosity and doubts

"Spreading rumors and slander is punishable by jail time."

Xu Wannian on the other end was silent for a while, and then said to Lin Yuan in a deep voice.

He neither admitted nor said anything, just said this.

But this reply made Mei Yuxian almost believe what Lin Yuan said. This is all true.

Because if it is false, with Xu Wan's 21-year-old personality, he will definitely hang up the phone directly.

But it is obvious.

Xu Wannian is afraid.

"Spreading rumors and slandering? The money your Xu family owes to the construction workers cannot be paid, and they are still being delayed. What would their reaction be if I played this recording of the call to them?"

Lin Yuan said with a faint smile.

After hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Xu Wannian on the other end of the phone was silent for a while.

"Who are you... no, what do you want!"

After a moment of silence, Xu Wannian said in a deep voice.

"It's very simple, take back all your dirty hands and feet. Don't get involved in the Mei Group's industry, and don't continue to get stuck in the approval of relevant documents. Even mobilize the energy of your Xu family to help speed up the approval of relevant documents."

"If you do this, you'll be fine. Otherwise, the affairs of the Mei Group will be hindered in the slightest, and the news about the bankruptcy of the Xu family will be published in the newspaper headlines tonight. What are the conditions like, should I consider it? Lin

Yuan said to Xu Wannian in a calm tone.

Although Xu Wannian pretended to be calm just now, Lin Yuan knew that he had already given in.

In other words, with Lin Yuan mastering so much confidential and fatal information, Xu Wannian had to give in.

So Lin Yuan also threatened Xu Wannian mercilessly.

"call……"Being threatened by Lin Yuan so unceremoniously, Xu Wannian was extremely annoyed.

But as the head of the family, he knows the pros and cons.

In the end, Xu Wannian gritted his teeth. 玒

"good! I promise you that I will never get involved in the business district again, and I will try my best to help with the surrounding supporting facilities and diversion projects. But you have to promise me not to reveal this matter!"

Xu Wannian gritted his teeth and said.

His words were actually full of humiliation.

Because Lin Yuan's behavior was almost equivalent to a white wolf with empty hands.

But what could he do?

With his lifeline tightly pinched by Lin Yuan, he also I can only choose to surrender in humiliation

"OK, happy to work with you."Lin Yuan said with a smile.

Xu Wannian only replied with a nice word.

Then he didn't speak again.

He seemed very depressed.

But he didn't dare to hang up the phone.

He was afraid that Lin Yuan would have something to say again.

He took the initiative to wait. Lin Yuan hung up the phone.

After roughly speaking these words, Lin Yuan did not hesitate to hang up the phone.

Then he turned to Mei Yuxian, who was leaning in his arms, and smiled:"Okay, the matter is resolved, you can verify it."

Seeing Lin Yuan's handsome face looking at him with a smile.

Mei Yuxian was still a little unbelievable.

The Xu family was so persistent in this project before.

But now they agree so much. Let go?

Mei Yuxian's pair of bright and charming almond eyes stared closely at Lin Yuan Junyi's face.

Looking at this little man who was obviously younger than herself, almost ten years old, she just felt that he was so reliable.

Facing Lin Yuan's face With her dark and deep eyes, Mei Yuxian's charming face had a slight blush.

It wasn't shyness.

It was a kind of excitement.

As a strong woman like a business queen.

She didn't like anything weak, but extremely She likes people like Lin Yuan.

Although she knew that Lin Yuan was very powerful when they first met.

Even that night, she was defeated by Lin Yuan, a man smaller than her.

But Lin Yuan gave her a surprise On the contrary, there are more and more.

Mei Yuxian becomes more and more attracted to her.

In fact, although the Xu family held on to it at first, they just let it go.

It is not very strange.

After all, if Lin Yuan is allowed to chain the Xu family's funds If there is a problem, it will be exposed.

Then the chance of the Xu family to make a comeback will be very slim.

Although the Xu family cannot get this project, it will also be difficult to recover.

But one is a narrow escape.

543 The two are not alive.

A little bit of brains Anyone who takes the overall situation into consideration knows what to do.

But Mei Yuxian naturally also knows that it is easier said than done.

This is only possible because Lin Yuan has mastered so much information.

In fact, this matter is not that simple..

And Lin Yuan's ability to solve such difficult problems with just one phone call really made Mei Yuxian's mature heart flutter.

Looking at Lin Yuan's smiling eyes.

Mei Yuxian first said She took the initiative to offer a passionate kiss.

She planned to give Lin Yuan, the man she was so devoted to, a reward.

At the same time, she would give him some repaying services.

Looking at Lin Yuan,

Mei Yuxian's extremely charming and enchanting eyes were full of mist.

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