Hug Mei Yuxian.

Lin Yuan kissed him directly.

A long absence is better than a new marriage.

After all, I haven’t seen him for a while.

The two of them kissed for a while before letting go.

After reluctantly letting go of Lin Yuan.

Mei Yuxian looked at Lin Yuan with charming eyes.

At the same time, Tan opened his mouth lightly and said with a teasing smile to Lin Yuan:

"Let's go home with my sister. The big double bed in my house feels a little empty every night."

Mei Yuxian's words are very sultry in themselves.

Coupled with Mei Yuxian's extremely charming smile and perfect figure. The way these words came out of Mei Yuxian's mouth slowly.

It's simply It can drive people crazy.

Although I have already seen the charm of this succubus-like woman, I still have new feelings every time I see Mei Yuxian, and she is still so attractive.

For 750 men.

Mei Yuxian is really an existence that is full of indescribable temptation at any time.

So after seeing Mei Yuxian like this,

Lin Yuan also smiled.

He nodded and replied to Mei Yuxian:"Don't worry, Sister Yuxian, today Let the double bed bear the weight it should bear for its age."

Hearing Lin Yuan's cooperative and humorous answer.

Mei Yuxian also smiled and took Lin Yuan's hand.

She was about to take Lin Yuan away.

But Lin Yuan did not move. She watched Mei Yuxian throw herself over. With a confused look in his eyes.

Gan Yuan suddenly smiled and said:"Don't leave in a hurry, wait a moment. Hearing Lin

Yuan's words, Zimei Yuxian gave Lin Yuan a strange look.

Then she said,"What are you waiting for?" What's there to wait for?"

"You are a bad man, do you want to do something bad again?"

"My office has just been tidied up, so don't think about making it dirty and messy again."

I thought Lin Yuan had any bold ideas.

Mei Yuxian gave Lin Yuan a charming look.

Seeing Mei Yuxian's angry look,

Lin Yuan smiled and pinched her nose, and then said:"I do, but that's not what I'm talking about. Rather, I want to hear your worries."

Although Lin Yuan's words seemed a bit confusing,

Mei Yuxian raised her eyebrows.

"Um? Honey, how do you know what's bothering your sister?"Mei Yuxian asked curiously.

Looking at Mei Yuxian's curious look,

Lin Yuan immediately smiled and said:"Sister Yuxian, I have seen what you are like deep in your heart."

"Although the atrium is tightly closed, no one has ever entered."

"But it's also very soft, so sister Yuxian, there's nothing else I don't know about you. Lin

Yuan said to Mei Yuxian with a smile.

"Really annoying!"

Mei Yuxian blushed and patted Lin Yuan's chest.

It was a very rare act of coquettishness.

Lin Yuan grabbed Mei Yuxian's hand.

He said with a smile:"No kidding, Qingtong told me you I worked overtime for several days and didn't go home for several days. In addition, the reddish mark between your eyebrows must have been rubbed just now and many times recently."

"Your habit of rubbing your brows happens every time you think or encounter something troublesome, so there must be something difficult, so tell your husband about it."

Lin Yuan took Mei Yuxian's hand and hugged her body. At the same time, he said he was not polite and called himself her husband.

"Good, good, my good husband, everyone will tell you."

Mei Yuxian didn't resist Lin Yuan's actions at all, and followed Lin Yuan's words and called her husband twice with a smile.

Then Mei Yuxian said slowly:"The difficult thing is actually not that difficult, it's just a small thing. But it's been really annoying lately"

"that is……"

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