After eating, Song Xuan went to change out of his uniform and skirt.

She changed into a casual and convenient short-sleeved nightgown.

Then let Lin Yuan do a little inspection.

After Lin Yuan checked, Song Xuan sat up from the bed~.

He took Song Xuan's pulse and said,"Recently, Aunt Song has been feeling a little numb in the three inches under her armpits."

"Um."Song Xuan nodded. She already fully believed in Lin Yuan's medical skills, and what Lin Yuan said was absolutely correct.

Lin Yuan continued:"Aunt Song must have taken a lot of medicine recently, but the supplements Somewhat passed. It used to be that Yang Qi was insufficient, but now Yang Qi is too strong and Yin Qi is insufficient."

"The human body must be a balanced cycle. Only by balancing yin and yang can we maintain health.……"

While listening to Lin Yuan's words, Song Xuan nodded.

However, his eyes were slightly absent-minded.

Song Xuan stared blankly at Lin Yuan's hand on his arm.

But in front of him was the scene of Lin Yuan and Yan Ruyue in the bathroom that he saw when he opened the door this morning.

There is also something in the lookstrange

"Aunt Song?"

Looking at Song Xuan who was distracted, Lin Yuan shouted

"oh oh! fine! I'm listening, I've definitely been a little hot lately! Is it the imbalance of yin and yang? what should I do?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's shout, Song Xuan came back to his senses and quickly agreed.

"It's not a big problem. I'll just give you some new herbs and add them to the previous prescription." Lin Yuan replied

"Oh oh good! Song Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and replied.

She did feel a little bit of heat in her heart.

"Aunt Song should take good care of her body and work moderately. Working too hard will overdraw the body, and the heart, liver, and spleen will not be able to lock the energy and spirit, and it will be difficult to achieve a balance between yin and yang. It's a medicine that's 30% poisonous, and it's not good to take too much. It’s better to adjust it naturally as much as possible. Lin Yuan persuaded casually.

"Uh-huh! What Xiaoyuan said is that Auntie will remember it."Song Xuan nodded repeatedly.

After roughly finishing the inspection,

Lin Yuan and Song Xuan walked out of the room and returned to the hall....As soon as he saw Lin Yuan coming out. Ding Yan Ruyue took three steps and then two steps forward.

He took Lin Yuan's hand. Hu Wei."Let's go and cut the ribbon!" Yan Ruyue happily said to Lin Yuan.

Yan Ruyue felt happy every moment she spent with Lin Yuan.

"good." Lin Yuan agreed and let Yan Ruyue hold her arms.

Lin Yuan and the two immediately put on their shoes and prepared to go out.

Song Xuan looked at the backs of the two people leaving.

He looked at Yan Ruyue's arm tightly holding Lin Yuan's arm.

The scene I saw in the bathroom this morning reappeared in front of my eyes.

I felt a little restless again.

Then Song Xuan suddenly sighed.

"Alas, I hope Xiaoyuan and Yue'er are well. You're all fine, that's all."

After sighing, Song Xuan turned around and went back, and then helped put away some of the mess that Lin Yuan and Yan Ruyue didn't clean up last night.



Lin Yuan and Yan Ruyue were unaware of Song Xuan's sigh.

The two of them quickly arrived at Yanyue's company headquarters.

Because of the success of the decision and the excellence of the product.


Yanyue's company's stock market value and so on have all increased.

The treatment of people in Yan Yue's company is also getting better and better.

So for the arrival of the two major shareholders, Lin Yuan and Yan Ruyue.

Naturally, they were all given a very warm welcome.

The ribbon cutting also went very smoothly.

There are many big names in the beauty industry.

They all came to support me.

But after Lin Yuan and Yan Ruyue finished the cutscene.

There was no intention of staying long.

After cutting the ribbon.........,....

Yan Ruyue looked slightly tired.

Lin Yuan also said:"Let me send you home to rest."

"Um."Yan Ruyue didn't try to be pushy and agreed to Lin Yuan gently.

After all the work,

Lin Yuan also sent the limp Yan Ruyue back to Yan's house.

Let her have a good rest.

After all, after watching yesterday It took a whole night of fighting and tossing about the Double Dragon War.

To be honest, it still took a lot of energy.

As soon as he sent Yan Ruyue home,

Lin Yuan saw a message from the little girl Gui Qingtong.

Lin Yuan clicked on it and saw it.

It was a photo..

Seeing this photo and the words attached below by Gui Qingtong, Lin Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

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