Yan Ruyue was crazy for a while.

If not too shy.

I'm afraid I won't get off the car today.

There was an immediate earthquake.

Lin Yuan didn't care.

But Yan Ruyue is still thin-skinned.

After being naughty for a while, I honestly sat back in the passenger seat.

"Why do you think that little girl from the Mei family has so many things going on that even a kiss on the lips can get in her way? Yan

Ruyue still said angrily after letting go of Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan just smiled and said nothing.

Soon Yan Ruyue also figured it out.

She understood the girlish heart of Gui 653 Qingtong.

Immediately She covered her mouth and laughed.

Although in her opinion, she and Lin Yuan should be able to do anything.

Gui Qingtong had no power to stop them.

But in the end, she should be considered the winner.

After all, she and Lin Yuan had made progress. I don't know how much faster than that yellow-haired girl.

Thinking of this, Yan Ruyue took the initiative to hug Lin Yuan and kissed her.

She felt so happy that Yan Ruyue didn't mention it anymore. Instead, she chatted with Lin Yuan about serious matters.

Looking at the handsome face of Lin Yuan who was driving the car calmly.Yan Ruyue watched closely and asked curiously:"Lin Yuan, actually I was very curious about something at the Tang family just now, and I really, really want to ask you."

Lin Yuan did not turn around and concentrated on driving. Che, just said:"What's the matter?"

Yan Ruyue hesitated for a while and then asked:"That's right, Tang Guofei is really dead, is the cure he thought before all psychological effects?"

From an outsider's point of view, From the perspective of perspective, Yan Ruyue could see much more clearly than everyone else in the Tang family.

Lin Yuan didn't want to hide what Yan Ruyue said. Although he didn't say it deliberately, Yan Ruyue obviously noticed something.

After taking a look at Yan Ruyue, Lin Yuan smiled and replied:"What do you think?"

Yan Ruyue shook his head:"I... I don't know……"

Lin Yuan immediately smiled and asked:"Do you think there are other possibilities?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words.

Yan Ruyue thought for a few seconds.

But there was no answer.

Instead, he smiled at Lin Yuan and said,"I don't know and I don't care. This is not important to me.""

"What I care about is, dad, will you accompany me home to sleep tonight... to sleep?"

As she spoke, Yan Ruyue blushed, and then she threw herself into Lin Yuan's arms.

Lin Yuan also smiled and stretched out his arms to hug her.

This is the cleverness of Yan Ruyue, the female CEO, as a woman.

Lin Yuan smiled. He stroked Yan Ruyue's head and soft green hair with his hand.

He knew that with Yan Ruyue's intelligence and outsider's perspective, he could already feel that something was wrong.

But Yan Ruyue didn't lie.

Regardless of the truth about Tang Guofei's incident How.

Yan Ruyue really doesn’t care

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