"Treason, kneel down!"

Tang Guofei looked at Tang Bowu angrily.

"How did little thief Ye Feng know about what Xiaoyuan and I were talking about in the lobby this afternoon?"

"Someone must have leaked the secret, so besides you, is there anyone else?"

"I thought you had a calm personality and acted steadily, but now it seems that you don’t know right from wrong!"

"Make these little friends and call them brothers, do you still think of me as your father?!"

"Treason, kneel down!"

Tang Guofei roared at Tang Bowu, each sentence getting louder and louder, and the sound resounded throughout the entire lobby.


923 Tang Bowu was still a little hesitant when he first heard Tang Guofei's words, but with Tang Guofei's accusations, Tang Bowu still kneeled He knelt down.

He knew that his father Tang Guofei was really angry.

When Tang Guofei was angry,

Tang Bowu did not dare to provoke at all.

And as far as this matter was concerned, it was indeed his fault.

He suppressed the treasure On Ye Feng.

Leaking the secret to Ye Feng was a complete mistake.

After seeing Tang Bowu kneel down,

Tang Guofei breathed a sigh of relief, and the anger on his face fell slightly.

But he still looked very angry.

His chest rose and fell violently.

At the same time He coughed several times.

Tang Qingqing quickly stepped forward to help him pat his back. Then Tang Bowu, who was kneeling down, also made mistakes one after another.

"Dad, I was wrong! I was really wrong! 㚎う爿.

"I was also obsessed for a moment. Ye Feng kept asking me about it, but I accidentally let it slip!"

"Dad, please hit me, I'm all next to you!"

"I was really wrong……"

Tang Bowu knelt on the ground, facing Tang Guofei.

He kept admitting his mistake.

Although he is already thirty years old.

At this time, he was still wearing a suit and looked dignified.

But now he knelt down to Tang Guofei.

Tang Bowu still didn't resist at all.

He looked like he wholeheartedly admitted his mistake.

Because he understood that Tang Guofei was really angry.

He wanted to minimize the impact of this matter as much as possible. but.

Looking at Tang Bowu who knelt down to admit his mistake.

Tang Guofei paid little attention to it.

He just sighed and shook his head slightly:"I don't have much time left. Originally, the Tang family planned to hand it over to you directly. The original plan was to announce it at today's banquet."

"But now, I think you still lack some knowledge of people, Bowu, and I'm afraid you may not be qualified.……"

After hearing Tang Guofei's words, Tang Bowu's body suddenly shook.

His body, which was previously stable even when he knelt down, now started to tremble slightly.

He was a little scared.

Because of what Tang Guofei said

"Dad, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry for your trust!"

"I did this wrong! I will definitely cut off all relations with that Ye Feng child from now on!"

"I will definitely work harder in the future, I was wrong……"

Tang Bowu, who was kneeling, apologized repeatedly with a look of remorse.

He even kowtowed heavily a few times.

Seeing Tang Bowu's appearance, Tang Guofei nodded, seemingly slightly satisfied.

Tang Bowu felt relieved after seeing this.

But what Tang Bowu never expected was that……

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