After all, no matter what Ye Feng thinks or does.

Even if you do something wrong with good intentions.

Even if there is no way to strongly blame you and retaliate against you.

But hate.

This is almost inevitable.

After all, it is a life-threatening matter.

That's why Lin Yuan designed it like this.

And this design.

Regarding Lin Yuan’s next plan.

It is also closely related.

Although after Lin Yuan took action.

Now Ye Feng can no longer save Tang Guofei no matter what.

It is impossible to establish contact with the Tang family.

But Lin Yuan's purpose is not just that.

Without the Tang family, Ye Feng might still find other families in Jiangbei.

And Lin Yuan not only wants Ye Feng to stay away from the Tang family.

We also want Ye Feng to be unable to compete with other families.

He wanted to discredit Ye Feng's so-called miracle doctor so that no one would dare to seek medical treatment from him.

Just at today's dinner!

His thoughts turned quickly and he looked at everyone's expressions.

Lin Yuan continued:"We can invite Ye Feng to the banquet tonight and try his medical skills."

"If he did this incident with Sunflower unintentionally, that would be okay. But if he deliberately wants to harm others……"

"That must be made public."

Lin Yuan said quite 'uprightly'.

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, Tang Guofei nodded in agreement:"Indeed, Xiao Yuan, what you said makes sense."

After all, he is also the head of the Tang family.

At this time, Tang Guofei also calmed down.

The banquet cannot be canceled.

And Ye Feng, according to what Lin Yuan said, it is best to continue to invite him. If he doesn't give him a try, Tang Guofei will feel sad in his heart. There were also knots.

After Tang Guofei calmed down, he looked away a little.

Death is inevitable.

When he learned that he was terminally ill, Tang Guofei was mentally prepared.

Even the unfathomable Lin Yuan said that he was 'ten There is no life after death.'

Tang Guofei really 'looked away'.

The only two things he cared about were the future of the Tang family and the matter of Ye Feng helping him treat his illness.

Tang Guofei originally had a short life. Terminal illness.

If Ye Feng is trying to cure him, and is not familiar with the properties of the medicine, and does bad things with good intentions, that's it.

Ye Feng's background is not weak. He will be empty when the time comes, and he doesn't want to make more enemies for the Tang family. And if Ye Feng is doing it to harm the

Tang family,


It just happened to take the opportunity of this dinner party to expose Ye Feng.

Make it public.

So that Ye Feng cannot be the Ye miracle doctor.

This is Tang Guofei's idea.

It is also the meaning implied in Lin Yuan's previous words.

After reading Lin Yuan's words.

Tang Guofei I completely agree with what Lin Yuan said.

As for what Lin Yuan said about exposing Ye Feng,

Tang Guofei not only would not object, but would also support it.

After all, someone wants to harm him, how can he be nice to him?


And Tang Guofei's completely After understanding Lin Yuan's thoughts and selfishness, he also understood that no wonder Lin Yuan said these words.

It turned out that he wanted to make Ye Feng, a miracle doctor, unable to be a doctor.

Tang Guofei understood Lin Yuan's"selfishness".

But he not only I don't feel disgusted with Lin Yuan because of this.

I even feel more trustful and kind to Lin Yuan.

Because if Lin Yuan doesn't want anything, he keeps helping him.

Simply helping him.

Tang Guofei doesn't believe it.

But Lin Yuan There is a purpose.

And this purpose is not difficult or easy to know.

It is related to Lin Yuan's own purpose.

This made Tang Guofei believe it.

Because people are so suspicious.

Especially when Tang Guofei needs to do something like this The head of the household who makes many decisions.

People tend to feel fear and suspicion of the unknown.

Subconscious distrust arises spontaneously.

And the opposite is also true.

When one has insight into other people's thoughts, people will be very confident.

They feel that they Omnipotent and omniscient.

Everything seems to be under his control.

Tang Guofei felt that now he had 'insight' into Lin Yuan's thoughts.

Tang Guofei smiled at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan also smiled back.

In fact, for Tang Guofei Lin Yuan knew Fei's thoughts clearly.

Because these thoughts of Tang Guofei were actually specially guided by Lin Yuan.

From the beginning of the divine calculation to the test of the medicine, it was Lin Yuan's plan.

Tang Guofei was always in the game.

It's just that he thought he had 'insighted'


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