Listen to understand and listen to understand.

But Ning Shu's mind was still a little confused for a moment.

She is the deputy director of Jiangbei Liumen General Administration!

This morning she was still directing her subordinates at Six Doors to carry out major operations.

Even a few hours ago, even if it was a celebration party.

She also maintained her dignity and solemnity in front of her subordinates.

As a result, I just arrived at Lin Yuan's house.

Lin Yuan actually wanted to order her to take off his shoes?!

She is the deputy director of the Liumen General Administration.

Even someone who is about to be promoted to director.

You actually have to help someone take off their shoes?


Ning Shu stared at Lin Yuan with her big beautiful eyes.

It was filled with doubt and disbelief.

Lin Yuan seemed not to notice Ning Shu's surprise.

He even urged in an impatient tone:"Hurry up, I've been waiting for you to take a bath and fumble around for more than an hour. Hurry up.""

"I……"Looking at Lin Yuan's slightly raised feet, Ning Shu bit her lower lip.

"Don't forget our agreement, don't forget your current identity"

"Quick slippers."

Lin Yuan urged again, and in the end his tone took on the meaning of command and urging.

After hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Ning Shu lowered her head and glanced at the maid uniform on her body.

She felt very complicated.

Listening to Lin Yuan's commanding tone.

In the end, Ning Shu could only bite her silver teeth lightly.

Then she agreed.


After finishing speaking.

Ning Shu, deputy director and quasi-director of the Jiangbei Liumen General Administration Bureau.

He actually knelt down in front of Lin Yuan.

Then he started to help Lin Yuan take off his shoes.

Taking off shoes is not a technical job.

For Ning Shu.

What's sad is that it's just in my heart.

And since I promised to take off my shoes.

Ning Shu also quickly helped Lin Yuan take off his shoes with her own hands.

If this scene is seen by other people in Jiangbei.

I'm afraid I'll be so surprised that my jaw drops to the ground.

The dignified deputy director of Jiangbei Liumen General Administration actually helped people take off their shoes with his own hands.

Who would dare to believe this?

But Lin Yuan is the one being served.

But he was extremely calm.

He didn't even move against the back of the sofa.

He just watched Deputy Director Ning Shuning take off his shoes and socks calmly.

In fact, it’s such a small thing as taking off your shoes and socks.

It's not like Lin Yuan doesn't know how to do it himself.

After all, he is not a giant baby.

It's not like there aren't other maids in the villa.

Lin Yuan even takes off his clothes on weekdays.

And the reason why Lin Yuan let Ning Shu escape was.

It was just to suppress Ning Shu's psychological defense.

A person like Ning Shu who has a high status and a strong personality.

There are many lines of defense in my heart.

Even with the strong character weakness of shaking An's mother.

But it is not something that can be manipulated casually.

What Lin Yuan did was actually to break through Ning Shu's psychological defense.

Just break through Ning Shu's psychological defense.

Or lower it again and again.

Only then could he successfully win over Ning Shu, the quasi-director of Jiangbei Liumen General Administration.

And let Ning Shu put on a maid outfit.

This was the first time he broke through Ning Shu's psychological defense.

Even taking off your socks with slippers.

It's much smaller than wearing a maid uniform.

But this can be regarded as a psychological line of defense for Ning Shu.

Compared to wearing a maid outfit.

It is the second line of psychological defense.

Wearing a maid uniform was a promise to Lin Yuan and an endorsement of the contract.

And take off your shoes and socks.

This is to let Ning Shu assume her duties as a maid.

So after breaking through Ning Shu's first psychological line of defense.

Lin Yuan took advantage of the victory and broke through Ning Shu's second psychological defense line.

In this way, Ning Shu had no chance to prepare mentally.

Put up psychological defense mechanisms.

Just as Lin Yuan thought.

Under Lin Yuan's repeated attacks.

Ning Shu didn't have the time or opportunity to think so much.

Under Lin Yuan's gaze.

Ning Shu quickly helped Lin Yuan take off his shoes and socks.

And after Ning Shu's slippers and socks.

Lin Yuan continued to order:"Take off your coat for me, and bring me a cup of hot tea.""

"good!"Hearing Lin Yuan's request this time, Ning Shu quickly stood up and complied.

She helped Lin Yuan take off his coat, and at the same time poured tea for Lin Yuan after washing his hands. After all, it was better to take off his shoes and socks than to wear a maid uniform and help take off his shoes and socks. Coating and pouring tea are really nothing.

So Ning Shu finished it very simply.

But Ning Shu didn't notice it.

She was walking into the condom step by step!


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