After all, we are in the toilet and there are not many dry places.


Ning Shu's clothes quickly got wet.

A large area is not clean.

Very embarrassing.

And just when Ning Shu's face was red and full of embarrassment.

Lin Yuan's hand suddenly placed on the door handle.

At some point, the door handle of the toilet compartment had been unscrewed.

All it takes is Lin Yuan letting go.

Don't even have to push.

The door will open directly.

And Ning Shu looked embarrassed.

He will also be directly exposed to the female police officer outside and Ning Shu's niece Ding Xiaorong.

And under this situation.

Lin Yuan smiled and asked Ning Shu:"Director Ning, I said tonight, do you understand?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words.

Looking at Lin Yuan's threatening movements.

Ning Shu was a little embarrassed.

But in this case.

She had no choice at all.

Ning Shu blushed.

Bai Te bit her red lips tightly.

Cover your mouth tightly with both hands.

Finally, he nodded awkwardly.

He agreed:"Ming...I understand.……"

Faced with Lin Yuan's pressing step by step.

Ning Shu's original idea of ​​bargaining and stalling was too late to be implemented. finally.

Ning Shu still chose to agree and surrender.

Lin Yuan's methods were too many, rough and unexpected.

Ning Shu knew.

If she doesn't agree now.

I'm afraid Lin Yuan will go further and further.

More and more unscrupulous.

It turned out that it was when we first met each other.

Lin Yuan dared to threaten her directly.

They used coercion and inducement to force her onto the pirate ship.

Now in this situation, she had promised Lin Yuan and owed Lin Yuan.

Want to take advantage of Lin Yuan.

This is completely impossible.

Moreover, Lin Yuan has such an unusually tough attitude.

It also hit the side of Ning Shu's heart that trembled at An's mother.

Plus niece Ding Xiaorong and other subordinates outside the bathroom private room.

So Ning Shu finally chose to give in and agree.

When Ning Shu agreed.

Ding Xiaorong and the female police officer from Liumen outside also washed their hands and left.

And Ning Shu agreed.

Lin Yuan did not make any further moves.

Shi Shiran let go of the wet Ning Shu and patted her butt.

Then he left satisfied. certainly.

When leaving, Lin Yuan conveniently pulled Ning Shu, who wanted to hide for a while longer in a safe place.

The two left together.

Ning Shu fearfully followed Lin Yuan out of the toilet room.

I was afraid that someone would see this scene.

Lin Yuan was not panicked at all.

With his hearing.

Anyone outside could hear it.

So don't panic.

Lin Yuan and Ning Shu went to the toilet almost at the same time.

So come back together now.

No one thought it was any surprise.

After eating for a while.

Soon I was almost done eating.

Ning Shu actually didn't eat much.

But it seemed that he was thinking of going to Lin Yuan's house tonight.

Work as a maid for Lin Yuan.

My appetite has dropped a lot.

Didn't eat much


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