Not long after the two celebrated with tea instead of wine.

There is news from someone else below.

Talking about the investigation of this case has already been on the TV news.

Lin Yuan and Ning Shu were both slightly surprised by this sudden news.

But I soon figured it all out.

Lin Yuan and Ning Shu both knew it.

The case of Jack the Ripper should have been publicized long ago.

But it has never been broken before.

Although the fishing boat has not been rendered yet.

Not fermented yet.

But there is already a lot of pressure from above.

Ning Shu had been under a lot of pressure before.

Because I can't hide it for long.

I can't hold it anymore.

At this time, the case happened to be solved.

And even Night Owl was arrested.


This gave the superiors a big sigh of relief.

This is why Ning Shu can be directly promoted.

The reason why the promotion news came so quickly and decisively.

And held it in for so long.

To relieve stress or something.

The news of solving the case was naturally announced immediately.

Under the push from above.

News about solving the case has emerged from various channels.

Even onSee.

And after hearing the secretary's report.

Ning Shu also turned on a small TV in her office.

Although a little older and a little younger.

But normal viewing is still fine

"The"Jack the Ripper" case in Jiangbei was officially solved yesterday, and a number of criminal gangs were also arrested.……"

As soon as you turn on the TV.

Lin Yuan and Ning Shu saw that the TV was indeed talking about solving the case.

And maybe it was to dilute the impact of the case.

It also distracts people from suppressing the previous case and not making it public.

The news also highlighted Lin Yuan and Ning Shu's help in solving the case.

Especially Lin Yuan as an 'ordinary person'.

After all, compared to Deputy Director Ning Shu, who is already in a high position.

Lin Yuan is not a member of the system.

In the news, it was said that Lin Yuan was the biggest clue provider for solving the case.

I said it emphatically several times.

He also mentioned that several honorary awards would be awarded to Lin Yuan.

It was even mentioned that Lin Yuan would be a strong competitor for the top ten advanced citizens in Jiangbei, etc.

All kinds of honours.

This superhero treatment.

It simply surprised everyone who knew Lin Yuan.

Many Jiangbei citizens who did not know Lin Yuan remembered Lin Yuan.

Because the case of 'Jack the Ripper' is under pressure.

But it has long been spread among the people.

After all, 'Jack the Ripper' committed crimes more than once or twice.

In this era where information flows so fast.

It’s already pretty good that there hasn’t been a big outbreak yet.

But a small discussion.

Already have it.

Amid panic, it was suddenly announced that the case had been solved.

The citizens of Jiangbei were naturally relieved.

At the same time, they all remembered Lin Yuan, the hero promoted by the authorities.

In other words, it's not an official announcement.

After all, it was indeed Lin Yuan who solved the case.

And compared to ordinary citizens.

People who know Lin Yuan.

After seeing it, I was even more surprised.

For example, inside the Chen family mansion at this time.

Ye Feng, Chen Meng, the head of the Chen family, and others.

They all looked at the TV with gloomy expressions.

Watching Lin Yuan being promoted as a hero on TV.

Ye Feng's hand holding the wooden chair made a rattling sound.

Lin Yuan, who made things difficult for them in every possible way and was ruthless, was promoted as a hero.

How could Ye Feng and the Chen family accept this?

Naturally, everyone was furious.

Especially Ye Feng.

As a retired special forces soldier.

He should be the one who deserves to be that hero.

As a result, Lin Yuan...

Ye Feng felt as if something important had been taken away by Lin Yuan.

I feel extremely empty and painful in my heart, but there is nothing I can do, I can only watch helplessly.

"This bitch Lin Yuan is extremely cruel and ruthless, never leaving any leeway in his attacks, yet he was actually declared a hero and returned the favor to the citizens of Sanhao? ridiculous! ridiculous!"Ye Feng's ferocious ugly face was twisted and he said with a jealous tone.

Chen Meng, the head of the Chen family, also said angrily:"Yes! This child with a yellow mouth deserves it too! He is probably the same as the deputy director of the Jiangbei General Administration Bureau. He just randomly arrested someone and used it to solve the case!"

"Xiaofeng, don't be angry, our plan is good, we will start an all-out war with the Lin family soon! Sooner or later, Lin Xiao'er and his Lin family will be ruined. Let's see if he can still show his face like this!"

Ye Feng suppressed the jealousy in his heart in front of him, nodded and said:"Yeah! Uncle Chen, we will get rid of them sooner or later!"



Hope cake shop.

It was closing time.

Qiu Wanxi was wearing a plain skirt and sitting at the table.

Calculating some data and making some plans for the cake shop.

At the same time, there was a photo with Lin Yuan next to the schedule.

While busy, I would take a good look at the photos from time to time during my free time.

After seeing Lin Yuan in the photo.

A sweet and innocent smile will appear.

Like a lotus blooming.

This is Qiu Wanxi's habit. She sees the young master many times every day.

As long as I have free time, I will try my best to chat with Master Lin Yuan and make videos.

Or if they are worried about being disturbed, they will look at Lin Yuan's photos by themselves.

Qiu Wanxi was very happy in this way.

And when Qiu Wanxi was busy.

Xiaolian and Xiaohe, who had just finished mopping the floor and were watching TV, suddenly shouted:"Store manager! Store manager!""

"Um? Qiu Wanxi raised her pretty face in confusion and looked at the two girls.

Xiaolian and Xiaohe also shouted quickly:"Store manager, look!" Young Master, he is on TV!"


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