Ning Shu and Lin Yuan will definitely win.

This is already a done deal.

And Lin Yuan is confident that within these few days.

Therefore, the more Ning Shu's income is, the greater Lin Yuan's income will be.

The policemen at the six gates cheered for a long time.

Ding Xiaorong also chatted happily with her female colleagues.

Occasionally, he talked about the thrilling scene of being rescued by Lin Yuan just now.

The other female colleagues looked at her and Lin Yuan with envy.

Lin Yuan and Ning Shu were much calmer than the others.

The two sat drinking tea and chatting casually.

Ning Shu, who was originally extremely angry, felt the happy atmosphere in the bureau.

It has also been reduced a lot.

After all, most of Ning Shu's anger was caused by jealousy evaporating.

Not a moment.

A lot of results of Ye Xiao's interrogation have come out.

Although Night Owl is not willing to reveal much.

But everyone was caught.

The people at Jiangbei Liumen General Administration are not vegetarians either.

Just like what Lin Yuan said.

No Thestrals.

Compared with the elite police officers of the Jiangbei General Bureau, the remaining criminal gangs are just like chickens and dogs.

So the entire criminal gang was quickly uprooted.

The matter was also reported to higher levels.

Ning Shu, who was sitting in the hall with Lin Yuan, stood up and said to Lin Yuan:"As you said, everything has been basically investigated. Most of the gang behind Ye Xiao have been arrested, and the remaining ones will be arrested within a few days at most. It can be done."

Lin Yuan nodded without any surprise.

"I have something else to tell you. Come to my office."Ning Shu said.

There were some things between him and Ning Shu that really couldn't be said in public.

Hearing Ning Shu's words, Lin Yuan nodded and followed Ning Shu.

Then Lin Yuan and Ning Shu chatted in the office It

's basically a matter of the distribution of interests between the two.

Although Lin Yuan helped solve the case on the surface,

Lin Yuan and Ning Shu still had another relationship in private.

This cannot be known to anyone.

So there are two people In private.

However, Lin Yuan had already decided to give in to the merits of this case.

So there was not much to discuss.

After chatting for a while, the conversation was almost over.

"Anyway, thank you very much for solving this case. Basically, you are busy in front of and behind the scenes, while I don't pay enough, but I want to reap the maximum benefits."Ning Shu said to Lin Yuan sincerely.

Although Ning Shu was very angry at Lin Yuan's often unscrupulous actions.

But Ning Shu was also very moved by this matter.

And after hearing Ning Shu's words, Lin Yuan He smiled.

He didn't speak immediately.

Instead, he stood up from the chair. He walked around Ning Shu's desk and approached Deputy Director Ning, who was wearing a majestic uniform and looked serious. He saw Lin Yuan getting closer and closer.

At the same time, he seemed to be preparing. She stretched out her hand.

Ning Shu's breathing suddenly became heavier.

She was both scared and curious, waiting for Lin Yuan's claws to see what she wanted to do this time.


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