Although Lin Yuan was very rude to her.

Move your hands and feet at every turn.

Still acting unscrupulously.

But Ning Shu's ability towards Lin Yuan.

There was never any doubt about anything.

On the contrary, the more contact you have.

The more I understand how powerful Lin Yuan is.

So for Lin Yuan's ability.

The certainty of solving the case.

Among the people present, Ning Shu knew Lin Yuan best and definitely trusted Lin Yuan the most.

Lin Yuan hung up the phone.

Then he looked up directly at Chezhan Teahouse across the street.

Seeing Lin Yuan's eyes.

Ning Shu and the other six police officers also looked over.

Previously, a stall and a large vehicle were specially arranged to block everyone's view.

In order to avoid being discovered by the other party, they noticed something was wrong.

At this time, in order to observe each other.

There is also a slight leak or something.

Everyone looked at the people inside through the coffee-colored glass of Chezhan Teahouse.

After all, it was still early.

There weren't many people inside.

Not many people drink morning tea.

Most are elderly.

There were only a few relatively young and middle-aged people.

Ning Shu's sharp and vicious gaze from the veteran police officer and Tian Tian quickly focused on the two men in white.

"Are they those two people? They are just here to trade, right? Which one is the night owl? Do we want to arrest him now?"Ning Shu said with a touch of determination in her cold tone.

"Director Ning's judgment is correct, but he is not in a hurry to arrest people, otherwise he will alert the enemy. Lin Yuan replied calmly to Ning Shu.


Hearing Lin Yuan's answer, everyone was a little confused.

Everyone was already there.

Why did they alert the snake after arresting them directly?

Ning Shu immediately asked:"Aren't they preparing a deal over there? How could they alert the snake? Isn't it true? them?"

"Yes... and no. Lin Yuan said to everyone

"Yes...and no?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Ning Shu and many policemen from the Six Gates General Administration were confused.

What does this mean?

What is yes and no.

Lin Yuan explained calmly:"It's very simple, they are here. Trading, but they are not Night Owls"

"Could it be……"Thinking of what Lin Yuan had said before, Ning Shu had some vague guesses.

And Lin Yuan didn't care.

He explained directly and quickly:"I said before that the location of the arrest plan is Chezhan Teahouse, and the location agreed with Ye Xiao is Chezhan Teahouse."

"Although after previous calculations, Ye Xiao will definitely come today, but in fact, when it comes to transactions, Ye Xiao's character is almost always only sending his subordinates to carry out the transaction."

"Even if Night Owl will definitely come, he will never show up at the scene. Those people over there are just his men, sent out to do business, and Ye Xiao himself is not there."

"So someone needs to follow me to arrest Night Owl, while others do head-on transactions to confuse Night Owl and attract his attention."

After listening to Lin Yuan's explanation, everyone nodded immediately, indicating that they understood.

This night owl is indeed extremely cunning.

Ning Shu also frowned and continued to ask:"Since this night owl did not show up, then we Where to arrest him? Lin

Yuan said:"Ye Xiao likes to watch the people he hates die with his own eyes. He has extremely perverted compulsion." He already hated Xu Jie to death after hearing on the phone yesterday that there was something wrong with the goods Xu Jie had given him and that he had eaten them."

"So today he will definitely come to see Xu Jie's death, but he is suspicious by nature and will not come forward directly."

"And Ye Xiao has a habit, that is, although he doesn't like to show up directly, he likes to watch the people he hates being killed from a condescending perspective."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, the policemen at the Six Gates General Administration fell into thinking.

Thinking about where the night owl Lin Yuan said would be.

From a high position.

Could it be on the second floor of Chezhan Tea House, or in Is there a hole in the skylight or something?

But Ning Shu and Ding Xiaorong, both keen aunts and nephews, reacted quickly.

"Condescending place... is……"

While thinking about it, Ning Shu and Ding Xiaorong all turned their heads to look at the building next to Chezhan Tea House.

"It's the Guomao Building!"

There is a building next to Chezhan Tea House.

It is definitely a good place to watch from a high place! Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard Ning Shu and Ding Xiaorong's words. Lin Yuan also nodded, indicating that they guessed correctly.

"That's right, Ye Xiao is in the Guomao Building at this time. Lin Yuan said calmly.

Ning Shu and other people in the Six Gates General Bureau were all excited.

After all, success was just around the corner.

However, Ning Shu, as the deputy director, was still very determined and quickly adjusted back.

He calmly asked Lin Yuan:"Lin Yuan, how to carry out the specific arrest operation? I'll listen to you.""


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