Because of the accident and episode just now.

Plus Ding Xiaorong is getting closer and closer.

Lin Yuan pressed harder and harder.

Ning Shu's clothes and pants were soaked with boiling water inside and out.

The whole person is a little moist.

Looking at Ding Xiaorong who seemed to be about to push the door open at any moment.

Ning Shu became more and more nervous.

Nervous and scared.

Until Ding Xiaorong reached the door.

Lin Yuancai suddenly let go of his hand.

Ning Shu also hurriedly escaped from Lin Yuan before Ding Xiaorong officially came in.

When Ning Shu just left Lin Yuan's side.

Ding Xiaorong also came in at the same time.

I saw Ding Xiaorong walking in with water.

Ning Shu quickly turned her head away.

He turned his flushed face to the other side.

Fortunately, the light on Ning Shu's side was not good.

And Ding Xiaorong didn't pay attention either.

As soon as she came in, Ding Xiaorong handed Lin Yuan water.

So he didn't notice anything strange about Ning Shu.

Ning Shu's face at this time.

It was already extremely red in the morning.

Maybe even nervousness.

There was an abnormal flush.

Fortunately, Ding Xiaorong focused most of his attention on Lin Yuan.

No attention was paid to Ning Shu.

So Ning Shu can quickly adjust

"Now, the water is poured!"Ding Xiaorong handed the poured warm water to Lin Yuan.

At the same time, she glanced at Lin Yuan and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Lin Yuan was not angry.

Then she glanced at Ning Shu beside her.

She saw Ning Shu standing stiffly. Over there.

Ding Xiaorong thought Ning Shu was still in a stalemate with Lin Yuan.

She didn't say much.

But when she saw the warm water handed over by Ding Xiaorong,

Lin Yuan took it with a smile:"Okay, thank you Xiaorong."

Hearing Lin Yuan's thanks,

Ding Xiaorong showed a happy smile on her pretty face.

She nodded to Lin Yuan.

But she did not continue to chat with Lin Yuan. Instead

, she picked up another glass of water.

She turned around and walked towards Ning Shu.

Let's go. Arriving next to Ning Shu, Ding Xiaorong handed the cup forward and said,"Ning Ju, I'll pour you a cup too."

Ding Xiaorong is still very sensible.

The atmosphere between Lin Yuan and Ning Shu was a bit stiff before. If she only poured water for Lin Yuan, it might make the atmosphere worse.

My aunt Ning Shu was also uncomfortable.

So Ding Xiaorong was here After serving Lin Yuan, he also poured a glass for Ning Shu.

This made people feel very comfortable.

But for Ning Shu at this time, it was not very comfortable.

Because although she had adjusted quickly.

Most of the blush on her face has disappeared, but there is still some residue.

She is afraid that Ding Xiaorong will find out something.

Compared to this, the stalemate between her and Lin Yuan just now was just a trivial matter.

And after Lin Yuan's 'punishment' to her.

Ning Shu had forgotten about this incident. She was just shocked by how Lin Yuan was so bold.

This made Ning Shu completely unexpected.

Even with Ning Shu's super concentration and city.

At this time, her heart was still extremely excited. After all, her buttocks were still numb and painful. In fact

, Ning Shu was no longer angry with Lin Yuan. Even though Lin Yuan had semi-forcefully ravaged her just now. But Ning Shu The trembling An Mu in Shu's heart made it difficult for her to be angry. She was even a little excited. Therefore, Ning Shu's psychological emotions at this time were extremely complicated. Compared with her complicated thoughts about Lin Yuan, the last thing Ning Shu wanted at this time was to be discovered by Ding Xiaorong. So when she saw Ding Xiaorong handing over water, Ning Shu didn't take it immediately. Instead, she bit her lower lip lightly with her jade teeth. At the same time, she pressed her tongue hard against the roof of her mouth. Because Ning Shu didn't dare to speak now. She couldn't be sure of her current voice. what will it be like


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