Lin Yuan has basically finished the plan.

And the preparations are all done.

The net has been cast.

Just waiting to close the net.

Lin Yuan also said:"That's about it for this case. Just prepare for the arrest tomorrow."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words.

Everyone also relaxed.

Thinking of impending success.

Everyone is extremely excited

"Very good! According to this plan, the night owl will definitely be captured and brought to justice tomorrow!"

"Um! Then you can relax for a few days and take a few days off!"


Many policemen from the six gates couldn't help but whisper to each other and started chatting happily.

Lin Yuan's plans and abilities are so surprising and trustworthy.

So everyone was quite excited and relaxed.

Ding Xiaorong was also quietly looking at Lin Yuan's handsome profile.

While watching, he secretly thought:"When this case is over, let's find an opportunity to ask Lin Yuan to go out together! Then we can go to the movies together, this count as a date? Hehehe!"

The little policewoman curled her lips slightly as she thought about it, not knowing what good thing she had thought of.

Lin Yuan turned around and fiddled with the computer for a while, and then said to the many six-door police officers who were still waiting to see if he had any orders:"I'm just debugging the data here, and your work over there is You can stop now."

Xiaoyun and many other six-door policemen nodded quickly to express their understanding.

And Ning Shu saw that Lin Yuan had finished it.

He also nodded to his subordinates and said:"Okay, now that you are done with your work, you can go downstairs to rest first. But you should control your time and do your work after a while."

"yes!"After hearing the instructions from Ning Shu, a famously stern female devil in the bureau, everyone quickly responded. Then they hurriedly slipped downstairs to rest. Soon, there were only Lin Yuan, Ning Shu and Ding Xiaorong in this huge computer room. The aunt and niece were married. Ding Xiaorong was also ready to rest. But she had no intention of leaving. She even seemed to plan to come over and chat with Lin Yuan. Originally, Ding Xiaorong had a very good impression of Lin Yuan. To her, Lin Yuan was like an idol. And after the shocking things that happened to Lin Yuan just now, Ding Xiaorong became more fond of Lin Yuan. Look at Lin Yuan's beauty at this time. There were a few stars in her eyes from time to time. And Ning Shu seemed to be planning to take a rest. Seeing the actions of Ding Xiaorong, her niece, Ning Shu frowned. She seemed to want to say something , but before she could speak, Lin Yuan suddenly smiled at Ning Shu and said,"Director Ning, go get me a glass of water." Hearing Lin Yuan's sudden words, Ning Shu paused and stopped in place. At the same time, there was a slight hesitation on her face. It was obvious that she hesitated about Lin Yuan's words. Because Lin Yuan asked her to help. The tone of pouring water was that of a command. This made Ning Shu subconsciously resist, and Ding Xiaorong was still beside her at this time. It made her a little uncomfortable. Ding Xiaorong on the side did not feel anything about Lin Yuan's words. She felt that what Lin Yuan said was nothing. Because she didn't know the relationship between Lin Yuan and Ning Shu. She also didn't notice that Lin Yuan's tone just now was a commanding tone. Lin Yuan's ordinary tone sounded to the ears of the simple Ding Xiaorong. Very ordinary. But Ning Shu heard it clearly. There was a strong command in the tone, and a slightly arrogant sense of compulsion.


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