And less than half a minute later

‘Lin Yuan, who was doing two-finger meditation, stopped completely.

After stopping his hand, Lin Yuan turned his head.

He looked at everyone.

Seeing Lin Yuan who was about to speak.

Ning Shu and Ding Xiaorong were both ready to comfort him, saying that it was okay if Lin Yuan failed.

The other police officers were also working hard and were ready to help Lin Yuan do this job and show off.

Lin Yuan also opened his mouth.

But what Lin Yuan said.

But it is what everyone thinks. totally different

"Okay, Xu Jie’s voice synthesis is completed. Lin Yuan said calmly

"It’s okay if you fail. I’ll ask Xiao Jiang, Xiaoyun and the others to help you.……"Ning Shu subconsciously opened her mouth to comfort Lin Yuan.

But halfway through the words, I suddenly reacted

"Um?! What?! Is the synthesis complete?!"After reacting, Ning Shu's eyes widened and she looked at Lin Yuan in surprise.

"What?! finished?! How can it be!"The other police officers on the side were also stunned.

"No...impossible, right?"Xiaoyun, who had just been busy on the sidelines, heardHe also hurried over during the conversation, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Lin Yuan, you are so awesome!"Among the incredible people, only Ding Xiaorong, who was also stunned, believed Lin Yuan's words.

Because Ding Xiaorong already had a high affection for Lin Yuan, and she also tended to regard Lin Yuan as an idol, so she believed it very much. Lin Yuan.

Looking at the stunned look on everyone's face.

His face was full of disbelief.

He didn't explain much.

Instead, he turned around and clicked the mouse.

"Um?! What?! Is the synthesis complete?!"

"What?! finished?! How can it be!"

"No...impossible, right?"

"Lin Yuan, you are so awesome!"

What Ning Shu, other police officers, and Ding Xiaorong said just now were all played again.

When they heard what Lin Yuan played and what they just said, Ning Shu, Ding Xiaorong, Xiaoyun and other police officers were all shocked.

If it was just what they said, this would be Of course there is nothing strange.

But although the words are the same, the voices are completely different!

Just now, Lin Yuan played Xu Jie's voice recorded in the recorder.

But their words just now were all in Xu Jie's voice. It was said in Xu Jie's voice!

Although what they just said was said in Xu Jie's voice, it made people feel very funny.

It made people want to laugh.

But no one laughed.

Because if the words were not said by them themselves.

Or Even if they said it themselves, if they close their eyes and listen, they will feel that these words are exactly what Xu Jie said! Lin Yuan really synthesized Xu Jie's voice in a short period of time.!

"It only took about five minutes, and you...succeeded in speech synthesis?!"The female police officer Xiaoyun was still stunned and murmuring to herself with a dazed look in her eyes.

Other police officers who knew something about this also had similar expressions to Xiaoyun.

They were all shocked.

After a while. Everyone reacted

"That’s awesome!"

"My God, he is much more professional than me!"

"No, I even doubt whether I am a professional!"

Many professional six-door policemen came back to their senses. They still looked at Lin Yuan in surprise and shock.

They were all a little doubtful about life.

But after they came back to their senses, everyone looked at Lin Yuan's shocked eyes. They also gradually felt... She was filled with admiration.

Because Lin Yuan’s operation was so amazing.

Female police officer Xiaoyun’s eyes gradually changed from surprise to admiration when she looked at Lin Yuan.


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