But seeing Ning Shu's originally flushed face, she finally regained her composure.

Lin Yuan also smiled slightly.

Ning Shu was in a situation where she was eagerly looking for clues from him.

Actually it's not such a bad thing.

That can be regarded as a manifestation of great affection and dependence on him.

It was a look that Director Ning rarely showed after being downtrodden.

Continue to help Ning Shu go down.

The favorability will definitely continue to grow.

The water flows down slowly.

It is very likely that Ning Shu will be captured.

But it was too long.

And the time is uncertain.

Lin Yuan doesn't like long flowing water.

And after taking Ning Shu, they planned to establish a layout in Jiangbei.

There is great convenience.

So take this case.

Within three days at most.

Lin Yuan planned to capture Ning Shu quickly.

So for the original plan.

Lin Yuancai directly broke Ning Shu's demands and dependence.

Talk to Ning Shu about the exchange of benefits and returns.

And understood Lin Yuan's thoughts.

Thinking of Lin Yuan's character who pays attention to the nature of exchange of interests.

Ning Shu calmed down a little at this time.

He also asked Lin Yuan in a slightly grave tone:"I want to know information about those criminals. Lin Yuan, how can you help me?"

Ning Shu's tone became more polite.

Lin Yuan smiled and said:"Of course I will help Director Ning, but I always like to feel rewarded when doing things, so Director Ning can also give me a little help." After hearing

Lin Yuan's words, Ning Shu thought for a while. Fan then said:"What do you want in return? The Jack the Ripper case is very important to me. If you provide me with clues, I can provide you with more secret information and open more convenient doors."……"

Ning Shu thought about what she could provide Lin Yuan.

Then I talked about it in general.

But Ning Shu wasn't done yet.

He was interrupted by Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan smiled and said:"Director Ning, don't talk like this. We are on the same boat in this regard. We don't need this in the first place."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words.

Ning Shu frowned.

It seems to be exactly what Lin Yuan said.

These were originally part of their previous agreement.

She didn't seem to be able to add much extra.

But she is what attracts Lin Yuan the most.

Isn’t it just the identity of Jiangbei Liumen General Administration and the power it can exercise?

Leave this behind.

Is there anything else she can attract Lin Yuan to exchange for?

Lin Yuan is backed by the Lin Group.

More than twice as strong as her in other aspects.

Although the Ning family behind her is no weaker than the Lin family or even worse.

But she won't get all the support like Lin Yuan.

So Ning Shu didn't understand.

What exactly does Lin Yuan want?

Think so.

Ning Shu also asked like this:"This case is very important to me. You should also know that it affects whether I will be promoted or demoted, so I must get this clue.""

"And since you don’t need these, what exactly do you need?"

"What do I need? Let me think about it……"Lin Yuan said with a smile and glanced at Ning Shu.

When I saw Lin Yuan saying that he needed something.

He glanced at himself a few times.

Ning Shu was inexplicably nervous.

At the same time, I felt vaguely that something was not quite right.

This Jack the Ripper case is really important to her.

Now it's not just the six-door system that puts pressure on her.

The Ning family is actually under pressure.

According to what Lin Yuan said, there is also a gang.

Then it must be a great achievement after it is cracked.

The Ning family will not miss this opportunity and will definitely help her to the position of director of Jiangbei Liumen General Bureau.

So Lin Yuan's clues are really important to Ning Shu.

But Ning Shu was worried about what Lin Yuan said she couldn't do.

Conditions that are too much.

And half a minute later.

The worry in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

Ning Shu was still a little scared.

Lin Yuan smiled and said:"Director Ning, I have thought about what I need."


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