These psychological changes sound complicated.

It's actually quite simple.

Although Ning Shu is not a dual personality in the true sense.

But he has a cold and majestic character on the outside.

And the dark side of Dou An’s mother character.

Almost two people.

Moreover, Ning Shu's mother-in-law's character would make Ning Shu feel ashamed and avoid her subconsciously.

So it's either a strong stimulus.

And make it unable to resist.

I think the first time is average.

Or give Ning Shu a legitimate reason.

And downplay the behavior of disturbing An's mother.

Like now.

Even if Ning Shu knew it.

I will be ashamed and embarrassed.

But I can't refuse it at all.

You may even enjoy it yourself.

Therefore, Lin Yuan was not surprised by the increase in favorability.

And hear the system prompts.

And after drinking tea while enjoying Ning Shu's service.

Lin Yuancai continued to talk about the information Ning Shu wanted to know.

Lin Yuan said in a calm tone:"Regarding the serial killer 'Jack the Ripper', your targeting and tracking during this period, as well as investigation and analysis"

"We have actually found some traces, right? It’s in the old city area on the other side of Dongcheng, and even the suspicious location has been locked around Lanyu Street and Beiping Street, right?"

"However, there is still no clue that can be 100% confirmed, right? Moreover, the clues are gradually disappearing, and then many incidents appear in other areas, making it extremely difficult for you to pin down, right?"

Lin Yuan spoke in great detail.

But after hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Ning Shu completely forgot about Lin Yuan's request to serve him tea.

Because what Lin Yuan said was almost the same as the results of their investigation. Exactly the same.

It was as if Lin Yuan was personally involved.

Ning Shu nodded in surprise.

She confirmed Lin Yuan's words and said:"Yes! You are right, our investigations are always extremely difficult to find clues, this murderer is extremely cunning! So I still don’t have a clue, and it’s also a headache.……"

Lin Yuan is unfathomable.

Ning Shu was still surprised to know these secrets.

But I'm getting used to it a little bit.

She already believed in Lin Yuan's magic.

I wonder if Lin Yuan has an intelligence network that is more terrifying than their Jiangbei Liumen General Bureau.

Or maybe even just some kind of god.

So rather surprised.

Ning Shu wanted to hear it from Lin Yuan's mouth.

Get information about this case.

He looked at Ning Shu's beautiful eyes that were staring at him closely, full of eagerness.

Lin Yuan smiled and said:"I can't find any clues. Apart from the fact that the murderer is really cunning, there is another reason. Do you know what it is?"

"What is it?!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Ning Shu's heart skipped a beat, and she seemed to have thought of something. She blurted out and asked.

At this time, Deputy Director Ning, who was usually extremely stern and majestic, and resolute and resolute, was like a thirsty man. Answer like a good student.

Staring at Lin Yuan closely

"Quite simply, this murderous maniac does not fight alone. In fact, there are accomplices behind him. Although the cases you found were all done by him alone, there are actually people who secretly helped him deal with the aftermath."

"It may even help him draw your attention away. Behind him, there is a criminal gang. They are not a group of people, but they cooperate with each other and complement each other."

Lin Yuan slowly said to Ning Shu.

After hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Ning Shu began to think quickly.

Then her eyes lit up.

"Accomplice...leader...I understand!"Ning Shu said with a surprise tone.

She figured it out.

No wonder she couldn't catch her before.

It turned out that someone helped cover up the traces.

"Deputy Director Ning probably wants to catch the gang behind this more than this serial killer Jack the Ripper. Lin Yuan smiled and said

"Um! certainly!"Ning Shu nodded.

She heard that there was a gang behind her.

Ning Shu's heart was beating fast.

If she caught a Jack the Ripper, she would only have a chance to be promoted to director.

But not necessarily.

By then, if she is After catching Jack the Ripper, she was fighting against a huge criminal gang behind her.

So with the Ning family behind her, the possibility of her promotion was almost a certainty.

How could Ning Shu not be excited?

How could she not be excited? Excited.

Ning Shu quickly asked Lin Yuan:"You know them so well, do you know how to catch them?!"

Ning Shu excitedly asked Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan suddenly smiled and fell silent.

Looking at Lin Yuan's showy appearance,

Ning Shu also let go of her eagerness a little.

Lin Yuan continued to speak:"Ning Deputy Director, I should know a little bit about what you want to know, such as their information clues."

"However, your current mood is too impatient and is not suitable for doing things. It is best to calm down first. Let me draw a picture for you to see, so that Deputy Director Ning can relax you first."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Ning Shu felt very pained and speechless.

How long has this happened? She was so anxious.

What else could she draw?

But she really wanted to get news from Lin Yuan, so she could only click on it helplessly. He nodded.

Agreeing with what Lin Yuan said, watch Lin Yuan paint a picture.

"Okay, then you draw it."Ning Shu said helplessly.

As Ning Shu nodded,

Lin Yuan immediately smiled and picked up a brush on Ning Shu's desk. He spread out a piece of rice paper and waved the brush lightly.

Very quickly.

One stroke. The lines were outlined. It was a simple drawing.

It was done quickly.

After drawing a rough line,

Lin Yuan smiled at Ning Shu and asked:"Director Ning, can you see what I drew? ? Ning

Shu took a closer look.

Although Lin Yuan only drew lines, it was not difficult to identify.

Ning Shu frowned slightly and said,"Is this a tiger?""

Lin Yuan smiled and said nothing, and then waved the brush again.


, Lin Yuan darkened the environment around the tiger.

At the same time, he deepened the small details of the line lights.

Only a white tiger frame was left.

Then Lin Yuan added Asked:"Now, what is it?

Ning Shu hesitated for a while and then said:"Is it... a white tiger?" Lin

Yuan suddenly smiled and said:"Congratulations, Director Ning, you got the answer right. This is a white tiger.""

"Isn't this white tiger very ferocious, mighty and domineering?"

Ning Shu didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Lin Yuan's gourd.

She could only nod her head and agreed:"Well... it's pretty good.……"

Lin Yuan suddenly laughed again:"Actually, I feel that Director Ning is as fierce, mighty and domineering as this painting, and he is also a white tiger!"


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