Very flattering.

This look.

More policewoman than policewoman.

Good looks and figure.

Plus the bonus of uniform identity.

There is literally no man who can't help but be attracted to her.

Can you not feel heart-thrilling and charming?

But no one dared to hook up with Ning Shu.

Many of those present were big shots.

Hook up with a policewoman or something.

It's not a big deal.

But Ning Shu, Deputy Director Ning.

They are almost equal to each other.

Much respect is needed.

So even if Ning Shu is in the United States.

No one dared to show any disrespect.

Then Ning Shu took the initiative to pull Lin Yuan aside.


Lin Yuan called her over temporarily today.

So I haven't given Ning Shu any specific instructions on what to do.

Ning Shu also asked Lin Yuan at this time.

Lin Yuan briefly talked to Ning Shu.

Then they started chatting with Lin Yuan one after another.

Ning Shu treats others.

It was the cold and dignified Deputy Director Ning.

But for those who already know her attributes as a mother.

Lin Yuan even destroyed her more than once.

It was really difficult for Ning Shu to maintain that cold majesty.

Most of the cold majesty he displayed was fake.

Ning Shu even had a good impression of Lin Yuan.

So although I couldn't hear what the two said.

But at this time, in the eyes of others, Lin Yuan and Ning Shu seemed to be quite close to each other while chatting.

This surprised many people on the sidelines.

After all, I can have a good relationship with Ning Shu.

There are still many benefits.

It's just that Ning Shu has always rejected people thousands of miles away.

It has nothing to do with anyone.

That's why Lin Yuan was so close to Ning Shu.

It's extremely surprising.

Lin Yuan and Ning Shu chatted about today's events.

We chatted casually about Ning Shu's concerns.

What happened to her mother in Yanjing and so on.

Then while chatting, Lin Yuan suddenly smiled and asked Ning Shu:"Director Ning, do you have any troubles that are difficult to solve recently?"

Looking at Lin Yuan's half-smile but not a smile.

He looked at her with a strange look on his face.

Ning Shu knew that Lin Yuan was not targeting the target randomly.

Ning Shu immediately asked:"How do you know? Where did you get the news?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said:"You can tell by looking at Director Ning's beautiful eyebrows that he keeps frowning."


Ning Shu snorted.

She knew that Lin Yuan was teasing, but she didn't comment.

If someone else felt that there was any disrespect in speaking to her like this, she would immediately turn her back.

After all, Ning Shu's superficial personality is cold and majestic.

But Ning Shu's inner character was clearly known to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan knew about her character and was beaten by Lin Yuan.

Ning Shu had a good impression of Lin Yuan.

Although she was a traitor to An's mother..

But it’s not like everyone is shaking.

Lin Yuan’s mystery, unpredictability, and super strong force value are what make Ning Shu feel like shaking An’s mother.

Otherwise, Ning Shu’s force value is.I am afraid that 99% of men cannot beat her, let alone expose the mother-in-law inside.

But for Lin Yuan,

Ning Shu does have a good impression.

There is even a kind of fear and dependence on S..

It's just that she didn't show it too obviously. However, Ning Shu had no resistance to Lin Yuan's teasing. Although she showed some dissatisfaction on the surface, Ning Shu felt a little itchy in her heart. But the things that bothered her recently were also It is considered a secret. And it has nothing to do with Lin Yuan. So Ning Shu has no need or intention to tell Lin Yuan. Ning Shu said casually:"My troubles have nothing to do with you, you don't need to care about me. I will help you deal with what you said today, don't worry." Hearing Ning Shu's words, Lin Yuan smiled and said:"Deputy Director Ning has helped me a lot during this time. He gave me a favor and repaid him with a favor. Actually, I know what you are worried about


"hehe."Ning Shu pursed her bright red lips and smiled at Lin Yuan, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Obviously, Ning Shu didn't believe what Lin Yuan said.

He said he knew her troubles. After all, this matter But it's a secret. Lin Yuan's intelligence system will never be able to find it.

"Forget it if you don’t believe it. In fact, I not only know your troubles, but I can also help you solve them. It's just that you need to pay a small price."Lin Yuan smiled.


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