Ye Feng and Lu Wanli.

They all happily watched the dozens of large cargo ships docking little by little.

The big cargo ship loaded with wood seemed to be full of their hopes.

Their hope of rising in Jiangbei.

As long as the big cargo ship docks.

Carry that hope from the ship to the dock.

Their future is bright. quickly.

These large cargo ships loaded with lumber docked at the dock.

Lu Wanli's men on the ship also waved to Lu Wanli.

See this situation.

Lu Wanli immediately directed the people invited.

Start moving the wood on the ship.

At the same time, he turned to Ye Feng and said,"Junior brother, let's unload the goods together!"

"good!"Ye Feng nodded heavily.

Both of their faces were filled with joy.

The reason why they wanted to unload the goods together was not to save labor costs.

They wanted to experience it together.

This kind of survival from desperate situations, The joy and joy of hope.

As long as the wood is successfully transported back, then the previous blockade by the Lin family and Lin Yuan is a joke!

So at this time, both of them are preparing to unload the goods with their own hands.

Their faces are also full of joy.

But just When the two of them had just boarded the boat and were carrying the first thick piece of wood and preparing to disembark, a series of sirens suddenly sounded.

The sirens were unusually harsh.

The movements of Ye Feng and Lu Wanli stopped.

The two of them stopped. Hugging the wood, he stood stunned on the boat.

Then he saw dozens of six-door law enforcement vehicles with sirens flashing.

The small half of the pier centered on Ye Feng and Lu Wanli was heavily surrounded.

Ye Feng and Lu Wanli were shocked to see this scene. They were all stunned.

Then from the law enforcement car, dozens of six-door police officers came down one after another.

And they all carried guns.

Then they pointed at Ye Feng, Lu Wanli and others.

This scene was like arresting a large number of people. Like terrorists.

It makes people very scared.

Those porters who were hired at a high price immediately trembled and raised their hands honestly.

Although Ye Feng and Lu Wanli both frowned at this sudden accident Frowning.

But he raised his hand obediently.

Although both of them are considered masters,

Ye Feng is the king of soldiers.

But with so many people pointing weapons at him, it doesn't work even though he has three heads and six arms.

"Put all this wood back on the ship! Nothing on the ship can be disembarked! No access to port terminals!"

During the arrest, a police captain shouted.

After hearing the captain's words, most of the ordinary porters put down the lumber in their hands and put down their work obediently.

But Lu Wanli just frowned.


After all, he is the head of the Lu family.

That is, he is in Jiangbei now.

If he is in the Magic

City, he is just a police captain.

How dare he talk to him like this.

But even though he is not in his own land, Lu Wanli still speaks directly. Asked:"That comrade, may I ask why this is happening? Have we committed something?"

"I came to Jiangbei from Shanghai to do business, and these cargoes belong to me. Why not let my cargo enter the dock?"

Lu Wanli didn't understand either.

He was just transporting wood.

Why was he surrounded?

When he saw Lu Wanli speaking, the leading police captain immediately gave Lu Wanli a cold look.

Then he asked in a bad tone. Said:"You are the person in charge of these shipments of goods, right?"


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