Lin Yuan opened the door and took a look.

It was the housekeeper Song Yuwei who came.

Song Yuwei was wearing a black uniform skirt with a comfortable smile on her face.

There was also a trolley in her hand.

There was a pile of quilts and a steaming late-night snack on it.

Seeing Lin Yuan open the door, Song Yuwei said quickly:"Mr. Lin, I'm here to help you change your bedding, and I'll also give you a late-night snack, which I've just cooked."

"Okay, thank you, Sister Yuwei."Lin Yuan nodded.

Seeing that he should not have disturbed Lin Yuan, and did not make Lin Yuan show any displeasure.

Song Yuwei also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she moved the bedding from the trolley to the bed.

When passing by Lin Yuan, she carried a wave of Xiangfeng glanced at Lin Yuan quietly at the same time.

Lin Yuan also looked at Song Yuwei with a natural smile.

The housekeeper Song Yuwei's care was indeed considerate.

Although the bedding looked new, it was specially changed.

He also brought Here comes the late night snack.

Song Yuwei has a very tall figure, and the black uniform skirt she wears is even more vivid.

Maybe she didn’t have any hair.

However, because she was holding a quilt, she was twisting and swaying her hips while walking, but it was quite charming.

Lin Yuan on the side also naturally had a panoramic view.

But Lin Yuan didn't look much further.

After opening the door, he sat back on the chair.

And after putting the bedding on the bed.

Song Yuwei also brought Lin Yuan supper in.

Originally she wanted to put it on the table.

But it looked like Lin Yuan was about to use the computer.

He immediately asked:"Mr. Lin, where can I put this midnight snack for you?"

"Just put it next to the computer on your desk, thank you. Lin Yuan said casually


Nodding, Song Yuwei put the supper on the table for Lin Yuan.

At this time, she was quite close to Lin Yuan.

After putting down the supper, she raised her head and turned around, just in time to see Lin Yuan sitting on the chair at a close distance.

Lin Yuan was sitting on the chair. Yuan was only wearing a pair of light pajamas.

When she saw Lin Yuan,

Song Yuwei had deliberately not looked at that handsome face.

But when she saw the thin pajamas, she still remembered Lin Yuan's appearance in the afternoon. That perfect figure.

Her heart beat faster when she thought about it.

When she thought about applying lotion and sunscreen in the afternoon, she felt it vividly in her mind.

Her heart beat faster.

Song Yuwei, who was distracted, didn't notice her feet.

I accidentally tripped over a stool leg.

I lost my center of gravity.

I let out a low cry and was about to fall forward.

If I fell to the ground like this,

I didn't say what happened.

At least I couldn't run away with a bruised nose and a swollen face. It fell.

Just when Song Yuwei closed her eyes and waited for the pain to come, a pair of hands held her firmly.

"Are you okay, Sister Yuwei?"

Hearing the sound, Song Yuwei opened her eyes and saw that it was Lin Yuan who was holding her up when she was about to fall. She felt Lin Yuan's strong hand.

She also looked at Lin Yuan who was so close at this time.

Song Yuwei suddenly She was very nervous, even more nervous than when she was about to fall.

At the same time, her face turned red involuntarily.

She quickly shook her head:"'s okay!""

"Thank you Mr. Lin for supporting me!"

After thanking him,

Song Yuwei hurriedly ran away from Lin Yuan and ran directly out of the room.

She pushed the trolley with a red face and left.

The bedding had not been laid out yet.

She was obviously nervous. I forgot.

Lin Yuan shook his head when he saw this scene.

But it's not a big deal. It doesn't matter if he spreads the quilt himself.

But Song Yuwei just left.

Another figure slipped into Lin Yuan's room holding the quilt.

He was still at the door. place.

A little head poked in


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