"Good brother, I am a sister, agree, I have something good for you to see."

Looking at this application note,

Lin Yuan frowned.

Could it be harassment notes from those scammers?

Apply to add friends like QQ.

Then make notes about good brothers, good sisters, etc.

Basically they are all scammers.

It can be said to be relatively common. He is a liar.

But he is still lying this late at night.

Are liars so dedicated?

Lin Yuan directly rejected the friend application.

At the same time, he replied:"I don't like my sister. I like my sister. The Loli sister is light and soft and can be easily pushed over." , my sister is a fart"

"Got something good to show me? I also have a big baby, do you want to take it out and show it to you?"

After Lin Yuan refused and replied, the other party did not send an application or reply.

Lin Yuan immediately reduced the QQ column.

But not long after shrinking QQ,

Lin Yuan's cell phone rang.

It was Lin's mother Meng Yuelan calling. A call came over.

Lin Yuan picked up the phone and clicked to answer.

As soon as the call was answered,

Meng Yuelan on the other end of the phone said:"Yuan'er, when will you be back tomorrow? And what nonsense did you just say?"

"Your cousin Yiyi just applied to add your QQ account. She said she was coming to our house and wanted to show you the beautiful photos she took in Yanjing. What nonsense did you answer?"

"It's cousin Yiyi, I understand.……"Lin Yuan replied

"What a loli sister, Yuan'er, what you replied is all nonsense, remember to agree to your sister's application."Before Lin Yuan finished speaking, Meng Yuelan said

"Okay, I will agree to Cousin Yiyi’s friend application." Lin Yuan replied.

And after Lin Yuan answered, there seemed to be a sound of snickering on the other end of Meng Yuelan's phone.

It was a young female voice, it should be a young woman snickering.

It was probably Lin Yuan's cousin Meng Yiyi.

Obviously this friend-adding incident and Lin Yuan's reply were very embarrassing.

But after Lin Yuan hung up the phone, he was still very calm and calm.

Or maybe it was Lin's mother, Meng Yuelan, who called to answer the call. to hanging up.

During the whole process,

Lin Yuan was not embarrassed or embarrassed at all.

He was always very calm and calm.

The reason for this was because Lin Yuan had actually guessed the person who added him as a friend.

It's cousin Meng Yiyi.

It's just that Lin Yuan deliberately pretended not to know.

He just pretended to show it to the cousin Meng Yiyi who just snickered.

Why did Lin Yuan pretend not to know.

Show it to that cousin Meng Yiyi.

This depends on Meng Yiyi. Speaking of cousin.

According to the memory of the predecessor Lin Yuan and some description records in the original work.

Meng Yiyi, Lin Yuan’s cousin, is simply the childhood shadow of the original Lin Yuan.

When she was very young.

This cousin Meng Yiyi, He often bullied the original Lin Yuan.

After all, girls generally mature faster than boys.

Girls of the same age were often taller than boys when they were young.

Meng Yiyi is two or three years older, so she is still at the age of kindergarten and elementary school.

Meng Yiyi He often bullies the original Lin Yuan.

For example, he often beats and scolds the original Lin Yuan.

He robs the original Lin Yuan of toys and delicious food.

When the boss bosses the original Lin Yuan, he makes the original Lin Yuan take things.

He robs the original Lin Yuan of his pocket money.

When sleeping. Wake up the original Lin Yuan.

Pinch his nose and cover his mouth when sleeping.

Even pour a little cold water into his clothes in the winter.

And be the boss and beat and scold him at every turn.

In short, Meng Yiyi is just like that kind of bully among children.

And the original Lin Yuan was one of the people who was bullied by his cousin Meng Yiyi.

In the original book, the original Lin Yuan was very afraid of this cousin.

He was afraid for a long time.

He was afraid from the beginning to the end.

And this cousin Meng Yiyi was tall. After growing up, the original Lin Yuan was still very afraid of his cousin Meng Yiyi.

But the current Lin Yuan was not. If this so-called Cousin Meng Yiyi wants to be arrogant with him. That is impossible. He is not the licking and timid Lin Yuan before.


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