
Chi Qian served.

And Lin Yuan successfully caught it again.

Under the surprised gazes of Yu Shanshan and Song Yuwei.

The two started fighting back and forth.

But this time.

Chi Qian only lasted less than two minutes.

He was defeated.

Once again, Lin Yuan smashed the ball to kill the ball.

Chi Qian picked up the ball again.

But this time it’s a ball of top quality.

It's also a bit broken.

Because the battle between the two was really fierce.

Biting her red lips.

Chi Qian changed to a table tennis ball.

For the ball to break or not to break.

She didn't care.

What she cares about is.

This time she actually lost again.

And he lost even faster than before.

Four minutes before.

This time he was defeated in two minutes. shortened by one minute

"2 to 1, Brother Lin Yuan, I will continue to serve."Chi Qian said and pursed his thin lips.

After receiving confirmation from Lin Yuan,

Chi Qian served again.

This time the angle of the serve was more tricky and the speed was faster.

But Lin Yuan had already mastered the god-level table tennis.

But he still took it easily.

And he and Chi Qian continued to compete.

However, this fourth ball,

Chi Qian lost again.

And this time it was only more than a minute.

He lost faster than before.

Somewhat dissatisfied. Chi Qian continued to serve.

But Lin Yuan's reaction and force control were already stronger than Chi Qian's.

Plus his god-level table tennis skills.

Chi Qian tried various angles, various methods, and various styles. He still lost one after another. Defeated.

Very quickly.

Lost four goals in a row.

Four wins in the first seven games.

Declared Lin Yuan’s victory.

"I didn't expect...Brother Lin Yuan, you can play table tennis so well."

Chi Qian, who lost four goals in a row, said

"Fortunately, Qianqian, you played very well." Lin Yuan replied with a smile.

Chi Qian played really well.

If it weren't for cheating,

Lin Yuan estimated that even if he had the advantage of reaction, he would not be able to win.

So there was nothing to be proud of.

After fighting Chi Qian, After the round,

Chi Qian is obviously still a little unconvinced.

He still wants to play another round. He is going to rest for a while before coming back. After all, Chi Qian is still somewhat confident about his own level. The most important thing is that losing all the time is too disappointing. And When the two stopped, Yu Shanshan also jumped out and said she wanted to play with Lin Yuan. But Yu Shanshan was just joining in the fun. Even if Lin Yuan wasn't a god-level table tennis player, he could easily beat her. Yu Shanshan couldn't catch the ball she served. Hold on. Only by releasing water and fighting can we fight for a few rounds.

"Your forehand is weak, your backhand is not precise, your steps are loose, and your reactions are slow. None of the moves are decent, so let's go play and let Qian Qian do it. Lin Yuan laughed.

"Hum, okay."

I could feel the huge gap.

I didn't want to be abused.

Yu Shanshan left honestly and handed the racket back to Chi Qian.

Let Chi Qian continue playing with Lin Yuan.

Then when Lin Yuan and Chi Qian were playing,

Yu Shanshan shouted to Song Yuwei Take her to visit other places.

Regardless of Lin Yuan and Chi Qian first.

Originally, Song Yuwei actually wanted to watch Lin Yuan and Chi Qian play.

Especially watching Lin Yuan serve and play.

It felt very cool.

But since Yu Shanshan wants to go

Song Yuwei also took her to go shopping. After talking to Lin Yuan and Chi Qian,

Yu Shanshan left.

Chi Qian continued to fight with Lin Yuan tenaciously.

But basically everyone lost. Win more.

Facing Lin Yuan, whose reaction was better than hers.

In addition, Lin Yuan had god-level table tennis skills at this time.

Chi Qian was no match for Lin Yuan at all.

Basically, he lost consecutively.

"Stop for a moment, it seems that you are really not a match for Brother Lin Yuan."Chi Qian smiled helplessly.

She had lost three consecutive games with four wins in seven games.

And she didn't win a single goal in two games.

She didn't want to hold on anymore.

After all, it was quite tiring.

And Lin Yuan's Her physical strength is much stronger than she expected. If she continues, her chances of winning will become smaller and smaller.

And Lin Yuan has nothing to do with Chi Qian's suggestion.

"OK."Lin Yuan replied.

The two sat down and drank water each.

While drinking water, Lin Yuan heard the system prompts in his mind.

【Ding! Chi Qian’s favorability +1! Reward 1,000 counterattack points! 】

It seems that this time Chi Qian also officially admitted that he failed again.

Looking at Chi Qian who was drinking water quietly.

Lin Yuan smiled.

While the two were sitting in silence.

Yu Shanshan and Song Yuwei, who had just left without knowing where they were going, came back again.

Yu Shanshan's steps quickened slightly when she came back.

At the same time, there was a look of joy on his face


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