In front is a hill.

Lin Yuan parked the car in a spacious but empty parking lot at the foot of the mountain.

Then Lin Yuan, Chi Qian and Yu Shanshan.

They all got out of the car separately.

Lin Yuan got off the car.

I saw a big sign in front of the hill

【Qingyang Mountain]

It seems.

This is the place Chi Qian was talking about.

After getting off the car, Yu Shanshan looked around curiously.

"Huh? Qianqian, where is your home? Is it on this mountain?"Yu Shanshan asked curiously.

Originally, Yu Shanshan also asked casually.

What she didn't expect was that

Chi Qian smiled and nodded:"Yeah"

"Eh?!"Yu Shanshan was stunned.

Chi Qian's home is really in the mountains?!

She had never heard of Qingyang Mountain before.

She had never been here.

It is indeed not very famous in Jiangbei.

But standing on this mountain at this time In front.

At first glance, the environment on this mountain is quite good.

It is even comparable to those 5A-level scenic spots that Yu Shanshan has been to.

It is like a tourist resort.

But Chi Qian's home is really inside?

It is simply unbelievable..

Following Chi Qian,

Lin Yuan, Yu Shanshan and the other three people walked toward the slightly moist mountain forest after the rain. After approaching, Lin Yuan and Yu Shanshan looked up. Everything they saw was lush and green.. The hill is covered with flowers, and there are countless beautiful and rare treasures. It happens that a breeze blows. The flowers, plants and trees are swaying. The water drops hanging on them are dripping. The scenery of Qingyang Mountain is really beautiful. Maybe It was because there had just been a light rain. At this time, there was a slight mist in the forest on the mountain. It was very dense. It was really as beautiful as a fairyland.

"Wow! So beautiful! The scenery here is beautiful! It’s just like the forest parks I’ve been to, so beautiful!"Yu Shanshan couldn't help shouting loudly.

Lin Yuan looked at Yu Shanshan who was yelling and smiled and shook his head.

Chi Qian seemed to be used to it. He was very calm.

He didn't notice the calmness of the two of them.

Yu Shanshan looked at it After several glances, he excitedly shook Chi Qian's arm again and asked,"Qian Qian, is your home really up there? The scenery here is so beautiful, so amazing"

"Well, on top."Looking at the excited Yu Shanshan, Chi Qian helplessly smiled and shook his head.

And the sharp-eyed Yu Shanshan, after looking towards the mountain for a while, did indeed see a villa.

She immediately asked Chi Qian excitedly:"Qian Qian , is your home in that building?

Chi Qian smiled and nodded:"Yes.""

Yu Shanshan smiled excitedly and said:"It's so cool to live here. It feels like one of those legendary fairyland secret realms. It's filled with fairy spirit."

"I feel like breathing the air here every day will help me live for decades longer."

Chi Qian smiled and didn't answer.

After looking at it for a while,

Yu Shanshan calmed down and asked slightly curiously:"Qian Qian, it looks good. But how do you get up here and how do you get to your home? Climb the mountain?"

This mountain is inaccessible.

Although it is very beautiful , it would be too painful to climb the mountain to get home." Yu Shanshan thought. When hearing Yu Shanshan's question, Chi Qian smiled and replied:"If there is a way, I will take you." Go up. Shanshan, Brother Lin Yuan, follow me this way." Looking at Chi Qian's eyes looking over with a smile, Lin Yuan nodded. Then he followed Chi Qian. Chi Qian led Lin Yuan and Yu Shanshan forward. He pointed to a place next to him and introduced:"If you want to go up the mountain, There is a cable car. But I don’t really like the cable car, and it’s not very fast either. I’d better take the escalator, which takes about the same amount of time." While talking, Chi Qian also took Lin Yuan and Yu Shanshan to a passage at the foot of the mountain. In front of the passage, there was a closed safety door. And inside this safety door, there was a small long escalator

"This... there is an elevator on this mountain?"Yu Shanshan was a little confused, and then very surprised.

What kind of family is this?

They built a villa in a scenic spot, and there was an elevator and cable car to go up the mountain.

It was a bit beyond imagination.

But Lin Yuan was not that surprised.

Because he knew Chi Qian's background. How deep it is.

After Chi Qian faced the escalator's safety door and verified his fingerprints, the door opened.

And the escalator, which was not open before, started to operate automatically.

"Shanshan, Brother Lin Yuan, come in"

"Uh-huh!"Yu Shanshan responded.

Lin Yuan followed him inside.

After closing the door,

Chi Qian got on the escalator first, and at the same time pulled Yu Shanshan who was looking around.

Lin Yuan also followed with a smile.

He stood on the escalator and let it go. Leading the way.

Chi Qian smiled and said:"It's a bit inconvenient to live in the mountains, and it may be a bit small, so it's not particularly comfortable. Brother Lin Yuan and Shanshan, don’t mind too much"


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