Lin Yuan smiled and said,"Don't worry, I've been very poor recently and don't want to invite you, especially the money-grubbing Yu Shanshan, to buy things, so I won't give in."

Upon hearing Lin Yuan's words, Chi Qian immediately showed a hint of pity. shallow smile

"What are you talking about?" Yu Shanshan, who was standing not far away, heard this with her ears and immediately waved her fist.

However, seeing the group of fans around Lin Yuan, she still did not dare to go up and hit Lin Yuan.

Otherwise, she was afraid that she would be beaten by Lin Yuan first. The fans’ fists were flattened.

After chatting for a while and the equipment was fully prepared, the game began.

In the first game, Lin Yuan took the lead.

And Lin Yuan also had his advantage.

From the beginning, He kept launching fierce offensives, pressing Chi Qian step by step.

And Chi Qian's level was not low.

Naturally, he would not be defeated quickly like Lin Yuan's other opponents before.

On the contrary, he defended well. It was difficult for Lin Yuan to find a breakthrough for a while.

Half an hour passed quickly.

The two sides fought fiercely for a long time. That is to say, the game between the two was very exciting. Lin Yuan attacked compactly and Chi Qian defended perfectly. Otherwise,

Chi Qian defended perfectly.

The audience was afraid that they were about to fall asleep.

Seeing Chi Qian's almost perfect defense, some people in the crowd said with emotion:"Chi Qian's chess game feels like someone trying to chase her. Her defense is so perfect that it's completely watchable." No hope."

Many people nodded in agreement.

Lin Yuan also heard this, and then smiled.

Chasing Chi Qian is much harder than this.

"Qianqian, your defense is really great." Lin Yuan praised

"Brother Lin Yuan deserves the award."Chi Qian showed a smile. Although her tone was modest, she still appreciated Lin Yuan's praise.

However, the next second,

Chi Qian heard Lin Yuan shout softly.



Chi Qian quickly returned her attention to the chessboard.

She was actually checked.

She quickly moved the commander up.

However, Lin Yuan still refused to let go. He checked again.

Chi Qian did defend well before.

But this time At that time, Lin Yuan's chariots, horses and artillery had also crossed the river. At this time, they took turns to general.

They fought many times.

Finally, they finally broke through Chi Qian's defense and put Chi Qian to death.

"first round! The winner is Lin Yuan!"

As the referee announced, Chi Qian let out a breath. Although her beautiful face was expressionless, there was still a trace of depression in her eyes.

She kept defending for half an hour.

In the end, she was defeated by Lin Yuan. The general lost.

Lin Yuan smiled.

It was not easy for him to win.

I have to say that Chi Qian did a very good job in defense.

He was almost at his limit.

"Brother Lin Yuan's attack is indeed powerful, but with one strike, it's me who takes the lead."Suppressing the depression in her heart, Chi Qian smiled at Lin Yuan.

After defending for a whole game, she was actually very depressed, especially when she lost.

Chi Qian meant that she was going to launch a fierce attack next time, so Lin Yuan Yuan waited.

Of course Lin Yuan could hear it and said slightly:"We'll see."

The two sides took a rest.

The second game started soon.

This time, Chi Qian took the lead.

And Chi Qian was like Lin Yuan in the first game. He launched fierce attacks from the beginning.

The attack posture was like a violent storm. , one wave after another.

And Lin Yuan's defense is like a small fishing boat in a storm, it will capsize at any time and lose the game.

The audience is frightened, feeling that Lin Yuan will lose at any time.

Ten minutes In the past, Chi Qian had pushed all the chariots, horses and artillery across the river and set them up near General Lin Yuanfang. He had even defeated Lin Yuan many times.

But it seemed that Lin Yuan was lucky enough to avoid him every time.

That was all. A little, but after being unable to defeat Lin Yuan for a long time, Chi Qian was also a little anxious.


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