"Director Ning, do you still remember when you killed your father fifteen years ago?"Lin Yuan said with a calm face and a smile on his lips.

Lin Yuan's words were quite explosive.

Everyone else in the Liumen Police Bureau would definitely be in an uproar when they heard it.

But the subject of Lin Yuan's extremely explosive words was

Ning. Director Shu Ning.

But it seemed as if he didn't hear it, and he didn't stop writing.

He didn't express anything at all.

His cold face was still serious, and his body didn't move at all.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Lin boy. Give you three seconds, get out or go to jail."

Ning Shu said in a cold tone.

She was writing as she spoke, but although her face was calm and her tone was calm, the words Ning Shu wrote were involuntarily crooked.

Faced with Ning Shu's threat, Lin Yuan remained motionless.

His face With a smile on his face, Lin Yuan said nonchalantly, as if telling a story:"That should have happened fifteen years ago, when Director Ning was in high school, right?"

"Your father has been a domestic abuser since you were a child, beating and scolding you and your mother at every turn. Even because you are an adopted daughter, when you grow up, there are people who have evil intentions towards you."

"But because you resisted to the death and your mother tried her best to protect you. He never succeeded"

"But after this incident, your hatred for your adoptive father reached its peak."

As Lin Yuan's words fell,

Ning Shu finally couldn't maintain the calmness just now, and her body and hands began to shake.

The words on the official document also became more and more crooked.

She raised her beautiful but serious face, He said with a cold tone and a threat:"You know how to punish public officials who spread rumors?"……"

"You can just call people to come and arrest me. Anyway, I won't stop talking. It's Director Ning's freedom to let a few people hear your story."Regarding Ning Shu's threat, Lin Yuan smiled very calmly.

Ning Shu's right thumb, index finger and middle finger held the pen tightly, her whole arm was shaking, and her lowered eyes were full of astonishment and confusion.

When Ning Shu was struggling, Lin Yuan did as he said and continued talking without stopping.

"Your adoptive father's long-term domestic violence and evil intentions have completely made Director Ning's hatred reach its peak."

"You hate him so much that you want to kill him. I think about it day and night, day and night. Whether at home or at school"

"One day, in your chemistry class, after hearing about the various chemical properties of white phosphorus, your mind suddenly"

"Thinking of the chemical store run by your adoptive father, you gradually formed a plan"

"After finding out your adoptive father's daily schedule, you sneaked in while he was taking a lunch break in the store. Secretly punctured the water pipes storing white phosphorus in the chemical store"

"White phosphorus is a chemical substance with an extremely low ignition point. Therefore, most white phosphorus is stored in water, and will smoke and then burn in the air for a short time."

"And you not only broke the water tank specially used to store white phosphorus in the chemical store, but also stuffed it into an unventilated corner."

"Soon, the fire you had been dreaming of swept through. Burn down your adoptive father's chemical store and your sleeping animal adoptive father."

"Kneeling in front of the chemical store that was in ruins, you were crying and feeling extremely sad, but you were actually extremely happy."

"The technologies of more than ten years ago were far less developed than they are now, and even the necessary monitoring was lacking."

"In addition, a fire burned everything completely, so Six Doors quickly concluded that your adoptive father died in an accident and died from burning due to his failure to store the white phosphorus properly.……"

Lin Yuan said in a calm tone.

Hearing this, Ning Shu suddenly frowned and interrupted:"It seems that you, the Lin family boy, have investigated very clearly. I do have an adoptive father, and he did die accidentally more than ten years ago. But that death was accidental, and it is not the same as mine. It doesn't matter at all"

"There is no evidence for what you said, and you are making conjectures and rumors. You will be held criminally responsible."Ning Shu narrowed her eyes and threatened.

Regarding Ning Shu's threat, Lin Yuan smiled and said:"Who said I have no evidence? Director Ning, you are really rude and interrupt others at every turn. Either you just call someone to arrest me, or you just shut up and listen quietly."

Ignoring Ning Shu's extremely angry and cold eyes, Lin Yuan continued to smile and said:

"After your adoptive father died, you originally thought you would have a difficult life with your mother, but you were already prepared. Life without that beast is difficult but also sweet."

"But I didn’t expect good things to come in pairs. Just after your adoptive father died, your biological father, the new head of the Ning family, one of the eight largest families in Yanjing, took you, an illegitimate daughter, back to the Ning family."

"It turns out that the Ning family and the Chen family, one of the eight major families in Yanjing, had a great battle. The Chen family was frustrated and came to Jiangbei from Yanjing. Although the Ning family won, they did not escape completely. The current head of the Ning family died, and the new head of the Ning family, your father's only son, also died."

"So even though you are a woman, you are still considered to be a single person, so I took you back into the family."

"The Ning family is one of the eight major families in Yanjing, so naturally they are rich in clothing and food."

"You were thinking about your adoptive mother, so you occasionally went home to visit. After joining the Ning family, you no longer had to worry about your material conditions. No one found out about the murder of your adoptive father, so you gradually relaxed."

"But as Chief Ning, you grew up and became a police officer according to your own interests. Even after being arranged by your family to come to Jiangbei to serve as deputy director, you started to worry."

"Because later you were at your father's chemical store and you found a camera that could take pictures. Although there were not many cameras at that time and it was not clear, it was possible to take pictures."

"You clearly know how sneaky you were when you entered the store, and you have sufficient motive to commit the crime. Once investigated, you will most likely be identified as a suspect."

"You frantically use all your rights to search in various databases to see if there are any images monitored by that camera."

"You found a lot, you found a lot of footage that was monitored by that camera, both before and after your adoptive father died."

"But it happened to be the part where your adoptive father was burned to death, but you never saw it!"

"This matter has troubled you for half a year. You don’t think about food or tea. It’s not until half a year later that everything is still calm, and you gradually feel relieved."

"Maybe someone accidentally cropped it or there was something wrong with the equipment. This situation has happened many times when you are looking for the video you want. You are probably relieved and feel at ease"

"But in fact... this video has not disappeared, but actually exists."

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, Ning Shu finally couldn't help it anymore. The pen in her hand was pinched so hard that it was dented.

That serious and cold face was also raised high, and her beautiful eyes were staring at Lin Yuan closely. Looking at it, there is an unknown luster in the eyes

"video? evidence?"Following Lin Yuan's words, Ning Shu felt very confused at this time.

"What you are saying is all empty talk. If there really is anything, where is it?" Ning Shu sneered.

"Director Ning, didn’t you just receive an email? If you open it now and take a look, you will know. Lin Yuan crossed his arms and smiled.


【ps: Happy February(*^▽^*)】

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