Lin Yuan was obviously determined not to get up.

Yan Ruyue actually already likes Lin Yuan.

She would never let go of Lin Yuan.

After thinking about it, it will be made public sooner or later.

So Yan Ruyue said directly:"Xiaoyun, come in."

After hearing Yan Ruyue's words, Xiaoyun opened the door and came in.

As soon as they entered, they saw Lin Yuan and Yan Ruyue sitting on chairs.

This scene is too intimate.

Lin Yuan's hand was still on Yan Ruyue's fragrant shoulder.

Yan Ruyue's pretty face turned red.

Xiaoyun immediately wanted to turn around and leave.

But he still stopped.

After all, it was Yan Ruyue who took the initiative to call her in, so something must have happened.

Xiaoyun lowered her head slightly, not looking directly at Yan Ruyue, who was sitting on the same chair as Lin Yuan.

Because she didn't know if Yan Ruyue wanted others to see this scene.

After all, Yan Ruyue has always been the character of Bingshan's female CEO, and she is basically stern towards them.

But at this time, she was squeezed into a chair with a man, and she was hugged.

But Xiaoyun can actually understand it.

Because this young master of the Lin family is really handsome, so handsome that her heart will beat loudly just by looking at him.

And the key is to have temperament.

That aura is extremely conspicuous even when standing next to Yan Ruyue, the Bingshan CEO.

It's obviously Yan Ruyue's office, but people will look at him first, as if he is the owner here.

Seeing Xiaoyun lowering her head slightly in a sensible manner, Yan Ruyue was quite satisfied and breathed a sigh of relief, but it was still a little strange to feel the burning body temperature of Lin Yuan next to her.

Yan Ruyue said directly:"Didn't you say before that those shareholders were urging me to go to the meeting and threatened to sell off our company's shares at a low price if I didn't go? Take the watch over and buy back all the shares that were to be sold. And those who were there before? The shareholders who expressed their opinions all used prices higher than the market price to recycle all the shares they could."

"ah?"Xiaoyun was very surprised when she heard Yan Ruyue's words.

What's going on?

Yan Yue's company's shares are still relatively valuable now. We are facing a dilemma at this time. If it cannot be solved, the company's stock price will fall soon.

But Yan Yue's company's shares are still relatively valuable. Ruyue wants to take back the shares?

What's going on?

Xiaoyun is a little confused

"Didn't hear that clearly?"Yan Ruyue's tone was a little cold.

"Yes Yes Yes!"Hearing Yan Ruyue reiterate her side, Xiaoyun quickly came over and took the watch.

She was just Yan Ruyue's secretary, and usually the conveyor of Yan Ruyue's opinions.

Yan Ruyue gave instructions and she just went to do it. She had no need or right to express her opinion.

When she took the watch, Xiaoyun subconsciously raised her head slightly.

At this close distance, she could see Lin Yuan and Yan Ruyue more clearly.

Originally, Xiaoyun subconsciously thought that if she could see... Mr. Yan, who is usually aloof, and the man are crowded together in the office.

But Xiaoyun's eyes were restrained and drifted to Lin Yuan's face.

Distance creates beauty. Generally, it is easier to look at people from a distance and become more beautiful. Handsome is more beautiful, because flaws can be seen clearly at a close distance. But looking at Lin Yuan so close, his face is as handsome as the most perfect masterpiece of the Creator, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, sharp swords and axes.

Xiaoyun was stunned for a second..

Then she felt the slight change in Yan Ruyue's gaze. She quickly took her watch and left with her head lowered.

After leaving the office, Xiaoyun intuitively told her that Lin Yuan asked Yan Ruyue to do the matter of recycling the shares.

Recycling the shares Generally there are only a few possibilities.

The first one is that Yan Ruyue is annoyed by those shareholders and wants to shrink the group.

But this is unlikely, because now it is equivalent to increasing her own losses. If she really wants to shrink the group, the stock value will be low in a few days. Shrinking is okay.

Could it be that Yan Ruyue can't bear the shareholders to lose money and wants to pay more?

That's even more impossible. Yan Ruyue has always been very rational.

Then it should be the second one. This problem can be solved, and the stock value is not It will be low, but it will rise.

But how is this possible?

As Yan Ruyue's close secretary, Xiaoyun knows that Yan Ruyue has been a little worried about this predicament recently. She just had a headache this morning, how could there be a solution suddenly


Is it because of the newly arrived Lin Yuan?

It seems that Yan Ruyue has made this decision since the young master of the Lin family.

Lin Yuan is indeed handsome, but based on Lin Yuan? Impossible!

Xiaoyun can't understand.

But she is just a As a secretary, just follow Yan Ruyue's words.

Xiaoyun went to buy back shares as Yan Ruyue said.

In the office, seeing Xiaoyun leaving, Yan Ruyue also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although now and Lin When she and Yuan were together, she basically bowed her head when she suffered the loss, and Lin Yuan took the lead.

She had already noticed this.

But after all, she was in the company, and she still didn't want employees to see it. After all, it didn't fit with her personality.

Just If it's just Xiaoyun, that's fine.

After all, she's her female secretary, and Xiaoyun won't gossip. As soon as Xiaoyun left, Yan Ruyue asked:"Xiaoyun has been asked to buy back the shares. If the company is about to face a major crisis, basically most of the shares can be repurchased, so this should not be a problem.

Lin Yuan nodded:"Yes.""

It's true. In this case, it is obviously a good way to stop losses by selling off the shares in time.

So it is true that there should be no surprises in the repurchase of most of the shares.

Yan Ruyue added:"Then can we consider starting? Have you solved the first two problems?"

Although she has inexplicable trust in Lin Yuan,

Yan Ruyue is still very nervous.

Because this is a big gamble, especially the matter of recovering shares.

If Lin Yuan fails to do what he says, then her losses will be exaggerated..

Feeling Yan Ruyue's nervousness, Lin Yuan stood up with a smile.

First, he lowered Yan Ruyue's backrest, and then Lin Yuan came behind Yan Ruyue.

"Don't be nervous, you may easily get sick if you are too nervous. Let me give you some massage first."Lin Yuan put his hands on Yan Ruyue and said.

437 Yan Ruyue has been really nervous recently. She has some mental and physical problems because of the company's difficulties, but she can't care so much.

Since Yan Ruyue trusts him so much, After directly making a big bet, Lin Yuan naturally didn't mind giving Yan Ruyue a thumbs up.

After hearing Lin Yuan's words and feeling the confidence in Lin Yuan's tone, Yan Ruyue's tense body immediately relaxed a little.

"Thank you...thank you."Yan Ruyue said.

She has indeed been a little too nervous recently.

Feeling Lin Yuan's hands on her shoulders, Yan Ruyue was also looking forward to it.

Because Lin Yuan had massage before when he helped her mother Song Xuan treat her illness. Every time Song Xuan's face was full of relief and his whole body felt comfortable, which made her very curious.

And not only was he comfortable, but her mother's face became younger and more energetic, which could be seen.

So Yan Ruyue was really I was looking forward to it.

Feeling that Yan Ruyue's shoulders were relaxed, Lin Yuan also started to massage.

Lin Yuan's massage technique was unique and targeted at acupuncture points.

The first massage immediately made Yan Ruyue feel comfortable. I couldn't help but groan.


This voice is so soft and charming that it can make people's bones soften when they hear it.


【ps: There will be another update before 10:30~]

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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