"What I want to say is, ahem... the news from Jiangbei Conservatory of Music this morning. In addition to notifying me that I had been admitted, they also told me that I would go to Jiangbei Conservatory of Music for final review and complete relevant procedures today."

"According to others, the final review is just a formality, but parents need to accompany them to go through the relevant procedures."

Gui Qingtong said.

After explaining, Gui Qingtong said to Mei Yuxian:"So I want you to accompany me to the school, go through the relevant procedures, and maybe hold a parent-teacher meeting or something.……"

After listening to Gui Qingtong's words, Mei Yuxian frowned slightly.

Because she also has an important meeting to hold this morning.

It's about the company.

This is considered an annual conference.

Moreover, she would also announce some things that Lin Yuan had discussed with her at the conference.

So it's really hard to decide now.

The two events coincided with each other.

One is a conference that is very important to the company, and the other is a university matter that is very important to Gui Qingtong.

In fact, Gui Qingtong needs her parents to accompany her.

I guess Gui Qingtong can do it herself.

But after all, it was the first thing Gui Qingtong did when she was admitted to university.

It still has special meaning.

As a mother, she couldn't go because she was busy with her career, so Gui Qingtong must have felt uncomfortable.

But meetings are also important.

Mei Yuxian looked confused.

And saw Mei Yuxian's face was tangled.

Gui Qingtong pursed her lips, feeling a little sad.

Mei Yuxian and Gui Qingtong are a single-parent family.

There are actually some problems in single-parent families that cannot be avoided.

That is, in a two-parent family, one person is busy with his career, and the other person can spend time with the children.

But single parent families.

That basically means gathering less and leaving more.

In fact, Mei Yuxian is not in short supply of money and power.

But she is more career-minded.

Although Gui Qingtong is also very important in her heart.

She will also try her best to spend a lot of time with Gui Qingtong.

But there are still disadvantages to a single-parent family. No matter how much time she can spend with him, it is limited.

In the past, when Gui Qingtong held parent-teacher conferences, it was difficult for Mei Yuxian to accompany her.

Judging from Mei Yuxian's appearance today, she probably won't be able to go either.

So even if Gui Qingtong didn't say anything, she would still feel sad in her heart.

After Mei Yuxian struggled for a while, she finally said:"Qingtong, Mom has a very important meeting this morning. Maybe……"

Gui Qingtong interrupted directly:"Mom, you don't need to say anything, I know, Qingtong can go alone."……"

After all, Gui Qingtong is still a girl. She likes Lin Yuan, but she also likes Mei Yuxian very much.

Therefore, the strong sadness in the tone at this time could not be concealed at all, and the tone made people feel distressed.

Mei Yuxian lowered her head, not knowing what to say.

Gui Qingtong turned around and prepared to leave, her eyes a little red.

However, Gui Qingtong, who was about to leave, found that someone grabbed her arm.

Gui Qingtong looked back and saw that Lin Yuan was holding her back.

"Brother Lin Yuan? Gui Qingtong looked confused.

Lin Yuan said with a smile:"Let's see. Sister Yuxian has something to do. Qingtong, can I accompany you to go through the formalities and hold a parent-teacher meeting?""

"Really?!"Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Gui Qingtong showed surprise and shouted.

"certainly. Lin Yuan laughed.

"Yeah!"Gui Qingtong nodded repeatedly.

Although Gui Qingtong's feelings for Mei Yuxian are family affection, which is different from her feelings for Lin Yuan.

But she also likes Lin Yuan very much.

Gui Qingtong does not necessarily want Mei Yuxian to go..

But she wants someone to rely on in her heart.

So if Lin Yuan can accompany her, of course that is also possible.

She is also very happy.

Lin Yuan can make up for the vacancy of Mei Yuxian in her heart.

Or the other parent The vacancy created.

When Gui Qingtong heard what Lin Yuan said, she was very happy at first.

But after thinking about it, Gui Qingtong calmed down and said suddenly:"Ahem...Brother Lin Yuan, go through the formalities and hold the parent-teacher meeting... It seems that what I want is a parent... It's not impossible for you to accompany me, it's just... uh……"

Regarding Gui Qingtong's words, Lin Yuan smiled indifferently and said:"Don't worry, from now on, I am not your brother Lin Yuan. You can call me Lin Yuan's dad, no... the last name is different, call me Gui Yuan's dad." ?"

"Forget it, just call me dad anyway and I'll go with you, no problem."

Lin Yuan looked at Mei Yuxian with a smile, smiling inexplicably happily.

But when Mei Yuxian saw Lin Yuan's meaningful smile, she gave her a fierce look with a bit of jealousy.

"Uh...is this okay?"Gui Qingtong was still a little hesitant.

Lin Yuan smiled and said:"Don't worry, I have been to Jiangbei Conservatory of Music much more than you have been. I don’t know if you still remember, but I have a cousin named Yu Shanshan, who also came to your house for the dinner that day."

"She is also from Jiangbei Conservatory of Music. Whenever she has something to do with her parents, I have to be her father. Otherwise, if her parents find out about her bad things, she will definitely have a big butt."

"puff!"Gui Qingtong remembered Yu Shanshan. When she heard Lin Yuan's words, she couldn't help but smile.

When Gui Qingtong heard what Lin Yuan said, she nodded immediately.

Then Gui Qingtong turned to Mei Yuxian and asked :"Mom, let Brother Lin Yuan accompany me to go through the formalities and hold a parent-teacher meeting. Can I be Qingtong's father for a day?""

Mei Yuxian looked a little weird, but she didn't know what to say. After all, she couldn't accompany Gui Qingtong in the first place, and she still felt a little guilty.

Lin Yuan accompanied Gui Qingtong, which should be a good thing.

So Mei Yuxian said He waved his hand and said in a casual tone:"Yeah, let's do this. Let your brother Lin Yuan be your father."……"

A strange idea suddenly appeared in Mei Yuxian's mind.

Your brother Lin Yuan became your father, and it didn't just start today...

Gui Qingtong didn't know what Mei Yuxian was thinking, but she was very happy after getting Mei Yuxian's approval.

"Ahem... That's the decision, Brother Lin Yuan! No, Lin Yuan's father~" Gui Qingtong smiled happily, then stood on tiptoes and kissed Lin Yuan on the cheek. Obviously, she was very happy that Lin Yuan was willing to play her father and accompany her to go through the formalities and hold parent-teacher meetings. She was so happy.

Seeing Gui Qingtong kissing Lin Yuan in front of her again, Mei Yuxian wanted to teach Gui Qingtong a few words.

But Gui Qingtong seemed to have guessed it, and ran away immediately, saying that she was going to collect the belongings and information. , ready to go through the formalities.

Seeing Gui Qingtong leaving,

Mei Yuxian also got up and walked towards Lin Yuan, hitting Lin Yuan's chest several times with a pink fist.


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