Mei Yuxian came down the stairs. She only saw Gui Qingtong raising her hand as if feeding Lin Yuan fruit, so she didn't think much about it and continued walking down while sorting out the documents.

Lin Yuan and Gui Qingtong didn't notice Mei Yuxian coming down either.

Especially Gui Qingtong.

At this time, Gui Qingtong and Lin Yuan fell into a fierce fight.’,‘No one gives in, we are in the middle of the struggle.

Lin Yuan had eaten too much fruit and was a little stuffed. He didn't want to eat the strawberry fed by Gui Qingtong.

Gui Qingtong, on the other hand, was slightly obsessive-compulsive and wanted to feed Lin Yuan the last strawberry in the fruit plate.

It's obviously a very small thing.

It doesn't matter if Lin Yuan opens his mouth and eats it.

Or it wouldn't matter if Gui Qingtong put the strawberries back on the fruit plate again.

But neither of them backed down.

Lin Yuan closed his lips tightly.

Gui Qingtong also put the strawberry in front of Lin Yuan's closed lips.

Lin Yuan could not speak.

Gui Qingtong advised

"Brother Lin Yuan, it’s really just the last strawberry. You should finish eating. After eating, Qingtong went to wash the dishes~"

Lin Yuan remained motionless and did not respond.

Then Lin Yuan only saw Gui Qingtong make the same move he had done since he knew her. The boldest move Gui Qingtong had ever made.

Gui Qingtong put down the fruit plate, then stretched out her little hand, pinched his chin, and made sure to feed the strawberry to Lin Yuan.

This obsessive-compulsive disorder started , it really needs to be cured.

Looking at the cute girl with her mouth pouting almost to the sky,

Lin Yuan decided to let her go once.

He opened his lips gently and let Gui Qingtong feed the strawberries. Came in.

I felt the strawberries being fed in.

Gui Qingtong’s inexplicable obsessive-compulsive disorder was relieved, and she immediately smiled and was extremely happy.

Brother Lin Yuan is better, I like Brother Lin Yuan the most!

Gui Qingtong thought happily, While preparing to pull out the two fingers that had been put into Lin Yuan's mouth just because he was feeding strawberries.


Gui Qingtong found that she couldn't pull them out!

Her fingers were actually fixed in Lin Yuan's mouth.

" Lin Yuan!"

When Lin Yuan didn't let go, Gui Qingtong felt that something was not right.

And Lin Yuan's next movements were even more unexpected. She felt the strange feeling on her fingers.

"Lin...Brother Lin Yuan, relax your mouth!"Although she liked Lin Yuan very much, Gui Qingtong couldn't help but shouted shyly.


In fact, I don't hate it at all, I like it very much.

Gui Qingtong knows.

This was Lin Yuan's punishment for force-feeding her strawberries.

But he was so happy.

But just then.

A slightly angry voice came from behind them

"What are you doing?"Lin Yuan and Gui Qingtong both looked back and saw Mei Yuxian looking at them with a pretty face and angrily.

Just now, when Mei Yuxian was a little far away from Lin Yuan and Gui Qingtong, she didn't feel anything and thought it was an ordinary feed. It was just fruit.

As for Gui Qingtong's affection for Lin Yuan, she could still accept and understand it.

So she looked at the document in her hand a few times to check if there were any problems.

But after she came closer,

Mei Yuxian looked at it. It’s clear.

What on earth are Lin Yuan and Gui Qingtong doing!

Gui Qingtong put her finger in Lin Yuan’s mouth. Her pretty face is red, what are they doing?!

This action is too intimate! For Lin Yuan, a man with whom she has had sex and will definitely have sex with her in the future. Mei Yuxian still can't accept that Gui Qingtong and Lin Yuan are too close. So after seeing this scene, she gave them a soft drink. Hearing Mei Yuxian's voice, Gui Qingtong quickly pulled her fingers out of Lin Yuan's mouth. Lin Yuan did not stop Gui Qingtong. Gui Qingtong didn't know the reason for Mei Yuxian's anger. She only thought that Mei Yuxian was angry. It was the same as before. She was not allowed to fall in love early, so she was angry when she saw her intimate behavior with Lin Yuan just now. So Gui Qingtong lowered her head. But in fact, Mei Yuxian mainly said it to Lin Yuan. Because before Lin Yuan told her that he would not attack if he was not interested in Gui Qingtong. And Lin Yuan also knew the reason why Mei Yuxian was angry. But he was not as afraid of Mei Yuxian as Gui Qingtong. Facing Mei Yuxian asked angrily. Lin Yuan smiled and said:"It's nothing, it's just Qingtong feeding me fruit."


"I seem to have accidentally bitten your hand just now. Qingtong, are you okay?"Lin Yuan turned to Gui Qingtong and asked

"'s okay……"Gui Qingtong shook her head.

She still thought that Mei Yuxian was angry because she and Lin Yuan were relatively close to each other and fell in love too early.

So Gui Qingtong lowered her head and admitted her mistake:"Mom, I was wrong. I will study hard and get into college and then develop further with brother Lin Yuan."……"

Mei Yuxian looked at Gui Qingtong who didn't want to say anything but lowered her head to admit her mistake.

He saw Lin Yuan who wanted to scold her again, but instead raised his head and looked at her with a smile.

He was also quite speechless.

Mei Yuxian glared at Lin Yuan again.

Then looking at Gui Qingtong who lowered his head, he could only follow Gui Qingtong's words and said:"Well, Qingtong, it's good that you know, you are too young now to do this. When you grow up and mature, After you graduate from college, think about this again"

"Now you are still young and don’t understand yet……"

As a parent, you are basically good at training your children.

Although he didn't originally plan to train Gui Qingtong, he was planning to train Lin Yuan.

But if she wanted to teach Gui Qingtong, Mei Yuxian would do it right away.

What he said was clear-cut and quite serious.

Gui Qingtong, who had obviously been trained a lot by Mei Yuxian, lowered her head obediently and nodded repeatedly.

Lin Yuan on the side looked at Mei Yuxian's serious and dignified appearance as a majestic parent with a pretty face.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel mischievous, and put his hand into the OL trap again.

Just right


【ps: Customization is enabled, all the best~ I can add another chapter later, my head is still a little hot, let’s see if I can write it~]

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