1 Report Card

Mosquito Bites? ?

Ailment? ?

Wang Ding understands all the words, but when these single words are put into a sentence, why can't he understand them?

What is this Lin Yuan talking about?

What are minor illnesses caused by mosquito bites?

When Zheng Zihao found him, he said that his father was critically ill!

And if it’s really the toxins from mosquito bites that make you feel unwell, then there’s no reason why you can’t go to the hospital for a test!

No matter how you think about it, what Lin Yuan just said has absolutely wrong logic!


Wang Ding spoke on the spot, directly interrupting Lin Yuan's words.

"You just pulled out the pulse. It has not been checked with formal instruments. How can you be sure?"

"Who knows if what you are saying now is nonsense?"

"Mr. Zheng, it’s not that I insist on arguing with you, but I think this matter is not trivial. It is still necessary to go to the hospital and use instruments to test it!"

"You should at least draw some blood and test it!"

The reason why Wang Ding said this at this moment is actually trying his best to save his image.

If he doesn't say anything at this moment and just keeps silent, it will appear that there is something wrong with him.

He doesn't want to end up with the title of a charlatan.

After possessing this miraculous medical system, it has been rare for such a long time, but we can't let a lifetime of wisdom be ruined here!

Especially at the hands of Lin Yuan.

Just thinking about this, Wang Ding is already full of tears He became angry.

Although he and Lin Yuan were rivals before,

Lin Yuan was always just a chess piece in the palm of his hand.

He didn't even regard him as an opponent.

He just regarded him as an opponent. He was just a clown, but why did he seem to have completely reversed his departure now?

Is this just God’s will to trick people?

Thinking about these things in the past, Wang Dingzhui felt very sad.

"The inspection report is also available here. This is the inspection report completed yesterday."

At this time, Zheng Lu took out a document bag from the bedside table. What was contained in the document bag was the examination certificate obtained at the hospital yesterday.

"In just one day, I believe there is no need to check repeatedly!"

"You want to see the test results, which are also available here. Do you have anything else to say now?"

When Zheng Lu said this, both his tone and his eyes were full of contempt.

Now, with Wang Ding standing in front of him, he has completely become a laughing stock to Zheng Lu. As a result, Wang Ding glanced at the testimonial results handed over by Mr. Zheng , and then found in despair that there was really nothing abnormal on the report sheet. It was no wonder that Zheng Zihao couldn't explain the symptoms when he found him, because physics According to the examination, Mr. Zheng did not have any disease at all. I am afraid that even if Mr. Zheng found the hospital and came to see the doctor himself, he would probably tell her and ask him to go to another hospital for examination. Now, looking at Wang Ding also fell into deep thought after reading the two reports. If it is true that Mr. Zheng's discomfort was caused by mosquito bites as Lin Yuan said, then how did he find out? The report There is nothing unusual about him. Could it be that he still has piercing eyes? 2 Blow him out!

"Zihao, it’s not dad who said that about you"

"From now on, don’t bring anyone to our Zheng family. You also know my father’s identity."

"People with evil intentions often come to our house to make small plans."

"You're a pickpocket. Instead of helping dad drive these people away, you rush to deliver them to your home."

"Dad was really disappointed this time."

Zheng Lu said this and sighed lightly. Zheng Zihao's face instantly turned blue when he saw this scene. You know, the Zheng family has three children, and Zheng Zihao is of course coveting his father's. He wanted to save some money, so he tried his best to show his filial piety and wanted his father to like him more. So when he heard Zheng Lu say this, Zheng Zihao was a little anxious. He quickly explained

"No, Dad, listen to me"

"This person is very famous on the Internet. He is an Internet celebrity who is called a miracle doctor."

"And he works at the city center hospital. I thought he could cure your disease, so I found him right away."

"In the end, I didn't expect that he was such a scammer!"

As he said this,

Zheng Zihao's expression became increasingly ugly, and he stared directly at Wang Ding beside him.

"You kid actually dared to lie to me. You really think that the reputation of my Lu family is just a piece of paper!"

The anger on his face is not fake.

Zheng Zihao also knows that if he really offends his father, then the future inheritance will definitely not be in his hands.

Thinking of how this little accident today may affect

Zheng Zihao will naturally be furious about what will happen in the future.

But before, he had radiated all his anger on Wang Ding.

Who told Wang Ding to be so unreliable?

Originally, he wanted Wang Ding to show off his skills.

I cured my father's disease, and then asked my father to praise me and give him some more benefits.

The result is now better, but everything went against my wishes.

In the end, I ended up with this ending in my father's reputation,

However, who gave all this?

It’s not all because of this Wang Ding!

Thinking of this, Zheng Zihao became even more angry!

He even wanted to go up and give him a slap in the face!

Suddenly, Wang Ding also became the whole Everyone was stunned.

This was completely different from what he had imagined before!

Originally, he wanted to cure the mayor's disease and fawn over Mr. Zheng.

But now it's better, let alone fawning over.

His own reputation has been completely ruined.

Wang Ding doesn't even know how he will get out of this world in the future.

He even wants to find a hole to crawl in now!

"Mr. Zheng, you don’t have to be angry with him."

"This disease is easy to cure. I will prescribe two decoctions for you. You will be fine after drinking it for two days."

"This disease actually has something to do with your temper. If you continue to be so angry, I'm afraid it won't be cured in two days!"

"So you should calm down, calm down, and don't associate with such people."

At this time, Lin Yuan was still fanning the wind and starting a fire.

Mr. Zheng was completely fooled by Lin Yuan at this moment.

No, it cannot be said to be fooled.

In short, he still trusts Lin Yuan. Yes, so when he heard Lin Yuan say this, he immediately nodded his head.

"Yes, yes, listen to Master Lin, Zihao, why are you still standing there? If you don't want this shameless person to be driven away quickly!"

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