But Lin Yuan's fingers were not injured at all.

But the blade of a chainsaw.

But it was blunted several times.

After all, Ding Xiaorong didn't know.

As long as Lin Yuan wants to.

Now his body is thousands of times harder than steel, no problem!

After all, after Lin Yuan increased all his attributes to 300.

He really is like a little superman.

Don't talk about chainsaw massacre.

Even those martial arts masters and martial arts masters.

Lin Yuan could kill a dozen of them with one slap.

So just a chainsaw.

It won't cause any harm to Lin Yuan.

Just like ordinary people picking their teeth with a toothpick.

Even safer.

That's why Lin Yuan was so confident that he just asked Ding Xiaorong to handle the case with him.

And things did go quite smoothly. quickly.

After checking, Ding Xiaorong found out that the 'Chainsaw Massacre' Zhang Yaowu was indeed dead.

I contacted my colleagues immediately.

Come and deal with it.

After the phone call.

Ding Xiaorong was still a little worried.

He came to Lin Yuan and said,"I'd better check it for you to avoid any hidden injuries."

Then Lin Yuan couldn't laugh or cry.

Ding Xiaorong touched Lin Yuan's whole body.

Touched and checked everywhere. unknown.

I thought I was taking advantage.

But Lin Yuan also knew.

Ding Xiaorong was worried.

So I just let her touch it a few times.

After the inspection, it was found that there was indeed nothing wrong with Lin Yuan.

Ding Xiaorong was also relieved. quickly.

People from the Liumen General Administration also came to deal with the aftermath.

This matter is settled.

A case that gives the Six Doors General Administration a headache.

It was solved so easily.

Ning Shu’s next review.

It will definitely go smoothly.

And due to the smooth progress of the case.

Six Doors also held a celebration banquet to celebrate this case.

The first great contributor.

It must be Lin Yuan.

And at the banquet.

Sitting next to Lin Yuan.

Naturally, it is Ding Xiaorong who has the second most merit.

Everyone toasted to Lin Yuan.

After eating and drinking enough.

Then they left.

But after eating.

Ding Xiaorong was still reluctant to leave.

After all, leave.

It's time to leave Lin Yuan.

Had some wine.

Ding Xiaorong, who still smelled of alcohol, looked at Lin Yuan.

A sudden whim.

He said to Lin Yuan:"Lin Yuan, why don't you come back to my house with me first?"

"You've been drinking and it's hard to drive. My house is nearby. You and I can go and sober up first."

Looking at Ding Xiaorong, whose pretty face was red and a little shy,

Lin Yuan still didn't know what she was thinking.

But he still smiled and agreed:"Okay, then let's go to your house and sit down."

Ding Xiaorong was extremely happy immediately.

She and Lin Yuan walked out of the hotel together.

Watching Ding Xiaorong, a policewoman, and Lin Yuan leave alone.

Ding Xiaorong even took the initiative to hold Lin Yuan's hand.

I don't know how many colleagues from Liumen. Their eyes were full of envy.

But they all knew Lin Yuan's ability.

No one thought anything of it. Ding Xiaorong, who had just mustered up the courage to take the initiative to hold Lin Yuan's hand, felt the warmth of Lin Yuan's palm.

She was also pretty and blushing.

Lin Yuan smiled and said,"Xiaorong, what's wrong with you? You're more nervous than when you went to handle the case. Ding

Xiaorong blushed and said,"No... I can't help it. I... this is my first time holding hands!"

Lin Yuan smiled and asked,"Have you never talked to someone?"

Ding Xiaorong quickly replied:"No...no!" I have always aimed to be my aunt and studied hard. After graduating from the police academy, I worked hard to solve cases."

"My goal has always been to catch up with my aunt. I didn't think about feelings.

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded:"That's it.""

Ding Xiaorong quickly replied:"Yeah! But the feeling of holding hands is quite... quite comfortable!"

"I...I like you! I like you Lin Yuan!"

Ding Xiaorong hesitated for a while.

While walking in the park with Lin Yuan, she boldly confessed her love to Lin Yuan.

After all, she is a policewoman.

She is also straightforward.

Although she is young and a little shy, she is still braver than ordinary girls. Mostly.

After these things,

Ding Xiaorong really couldn't help but secretly have feelings for such an outstanding man as Lin Yuan.

She really couldn't bear it anymore.

Especially after holding hands with Lin Yuan and having physical contact.

She really couldn't bear the restlessness in her heart.


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