After several meetings.

Coupled with Lin Yuan's behavior yesterday.

At this time Yun Yaxuan unconsciously.

In fact, I already have a pretty good impression of Lin Yuan.

"Hello, good morning, is this Mr. Lin? Yun Yaxuan asked in a gentle tone.

Lin Yuan on the other end smiled and said:"It's me, good morning.""

"I have already thought of a solution to the problem you mentioned yesterday."

"I have already made a solution. When will you give me the money? Pay the money with one hand and the plan with the other."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Yun Yaxuan was stunned for a moment. Then she immediately reacted and remembered.

Yesterday, when she was talking to Lin Yuan about her depression after drinking, she also told Lin Yuan about her problem by the way.

Even because of drinking His thinking was slow.

He even asked Lin Yuan if he could help solve the problem.

It was just an unconscious casual comment.


Lin Yuan really had a solution.

And Yun Yaxuan also knew that

Lin Yuan was joking about handing over money.

Because a solution has been sent to her mobile phone.

Yun Yaxuan quickly opened it and found that it was really clear and logical.

The solutions were very reasonable and useful.

It seemed that this problem could really be solved.

And more To Yun Yaxuan's delight, shortly after reading the plan, the female secretary on the side reported

"Director Zhang has softened his tone and said that cooperation is not non-negotiable."

After receiving this news,

Yun Yaxuan was also quite happy. She quickly called Lin Yuan

"Mr. Lin, thank you! Your solution is really useful!"

"I'll prepare the reward right away and go over to see you now!"

"I would like to discuss the details of the solution with you in detail!"

"May I! Yun

Yaxuan said to Lin Yuan excitedly and happily.

Lin Yuan agreed casually.

After getting Lin Yuan's agreement,

Yun Yaxuan immediately packed her things happily.

She also really prepared a lot of reward.

She was ready to go. Seeing Lin Yuan.

Yun Yaxuan was really happy at this time.

Although this matter was actually not a big deal to the Yun family, it made Yun Yaxuan of the start-up company really uncomfortable.

Even I wanted to give up at first.

But I didn't expect that after a sudden turn of events, it happened. So Yun Yaxuan is naturally very grateful to Lin Yuan who played a huge role in it. In addition, she has a good impression of Lin Yuan. Yun Yaxuan's gratitude was naturally very deep. Before departure, Yun Yaxuan also dressed up carefully in the mirror. Although she didn't know why she was like this. But she just wanted to be in a better appearance and condition. Go. See Lin Yuan. Maybe it was because she thought of being a little drunk in front of Lin Yuan yesterday. Today Yun Yaxuan is even more beautiful than yesterday. But just when Yun Yaxuan was about to go out, she went to Lin Yuan to discuss the plan. At that time. Suddenly a phone call came. Yun Yaxuan picked up the phone and looked at it. She couldn't help but frowned. After thinking about it, she still pressed the answer button.

"Hello? Mr. Ye?"Yun Yaxuan's tone was as calm as possible.

"It's me, it's me, Yaxuan is me!"On the other end, Ye Feng replied quickly, with a somewhat excited tone.

"Mr. Ye, what's the matter?"Yun Yaxuan's tone was slightly cold.

After all, Ye Feng has been annoyed more than once or twice recently, and his impression was too bad.

But Ye Feng didn't pay attention to Yun Yaxuan's tone. Instead, he excitedly claimed credit and said:"Ya Xuan! I have a solution to your problem! I can help you solve it right away!"

"You have to wait a few days, but you can prepare the celebration party first, haha!"

Ye Feng's tone was full of excitement and happiness. Because he immediately thought of a solution after meeting Factory Director Zhang. The Chen family couldn't point it out. But he still had the Living Buddha Master. So he went to ask for help. Master. After begging for a long time, his master finally decided to take action. So Ye Feng believed that he could definitely help solve this matter about Yun Yaxuan. Then he happily called to take credit. At the same time, he felt that the matter could definitely be solved. I did Yun Yaxuan a big favor. I sold it to an adult. So Ye Feng directly called Yaxuan and other titles today. He even thought about the celebration banquet. But what made Ye Feng, who was extremely happy, did not expect that. On the other side, he imagined , Yun Yaxuan's happy and grateful voice did not come. What came. Only a cold reply. Yun Yaxuan replied in a calm or even cold tone:"Thank you Mr. Ye for your kindness, but no need." I already have a solution


"In addition, Mr. Ye, please pay attention to your address."

Hearing Yun Yaxuan's words,

Ye Feng was stunned.



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