"Hello? Yaxuan?"

As soon as the call was connected, Ye Feng's cheerful voice came out immediately on the other end.

Although something went wrong with the investment in Yijun City, it didn't seem to affect Ye Feng's mood very much.

Because the first one who invested the most was still Chen. Family.

So the biggest headache is for Chen Meng and other Chen family members.

The second one is that Ye Feng also puts the matter of marrying Yun Yaxuan first.

After all, if he can officially marry Yun Yaxuan, then. The Yun family can become a powerful force behind them.

So when the Chen family's decline is reduced,

Ye Feng naturally can't wait to marry Yun Yaxuan.

Then with the help of the Yun family's power, they can make a comeback.

The Chen family's boat, which has been flooded, is on the surface Ye Feng didn't say anything, but he actually had some thoughts in his heart.

So Ye Feng has been very attentive to Yun Yaxuan recently.

Even the arrogance of the former soldier king is gone.

Ye Feng also comforts himself.

Chasing his fiancée is nothing.

But Ye Feng's These behaviors made Yun Yaxuan extremely annoyed.

So Yun Yaxuan, who was already annoyed, after hearing Ye Feng's words, she said in a rare and impatient tone:"It's me, what's the matter?""

Ye Feng is not stupid either.

He could hear the unhappiness in Yun Yaxuan's tone.

He quickly asked:"Yaxuan, what's wrong with you? Is there something bothering you that makes you unhappy?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words.

Yun Yaxuan endured the discomfort in her heart and said:"Mr. Ye, please change your title. And I have nothing to worry about, so Mr. Ye doesn’t need to worry about it."


"I'm still busy, so I'll hang up now."

I have been annoyed by Ye Feng too many times recently.

Yun Yaxuan couldn't help it this time and hung up the phone directly.

Ye Feng on the other end was full of loving words, and there was no chance to vent them.

She could only look at the phone with an embarrassed face. She was in a daze.

But Ye Feng quickly realized something:"Yaxuan must be troubled by something! I'll ask around!"

"As long as I can solve Yaxuan's troubles, she will definitely be impressed and marry me right away!"

Ye Feng clenched his fists.

He was full of confidence.

Very quickly.

Through various channels of friends and friends,

Ye Feng found out what was bothering Yun Yaxuan.

"It turned out to be something about a small shabby factory. How dare you not help my fiancée make clothes? How courageous!"

Ye Feng didn't inquire carefully.

He didn't know if there was any background behind this clothing factory. He just thought it was a small factory.

Although he opposed Lin Yuan every time, he was stepped on.

But Ye Feng was still a bit powerful and did not take this into account. The factory took it seriously.

After getting the phone number of the factory owner through the channels of friends and friends,

Ye Feng immediately called him.

"Hello? Is it Director Zhang?"Ye Feng asked with a sneer.

"It's me, who are you?"Director Zhang's tone was cautious.

After all, it was hard to tell who made this sudden call.

Hearing Director Zhang's cautious tone,

Ye Feng felt more confident.

He said in an arrogant tone:"My surname is Ye, and the single character is Feng. You're the one who doesn't agree to help my fiancée produce clothes, right?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words,

Director Zhang was a little confused.

Ye Feng?

Who is this?

It seems that no one in Jiangbei has heard of such a person. Anyone who dares to call and talk to him so arrogantly must have some brains. Those top bosses in Jiangbei.

Are they from Yanjing?

Unsure, Director Zhang immediately continued to ask with some caution:"Mr. Ye, who is your fiancée?

Ye Feng sneered and replied:"Who?" Of course it is the eldest lady of the Yun family, Yun Yaxuan. I heard that you rejected her order, how brave you are!"

Ye Feng originally thought that when he said this,

Director Zhang would immediately apologize and take Yun Yaxuan's order.

But who knew.

After hearing Ye Feng's words,

Director Zhang's His attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees.

Director Zhang was heard to say in a cold tone:"It turns out he is from the Yun family! Didn't I say that no matter what, I will not help your Yun family produce anything. This is the punishment for your breach of contract!"

"Ye Feng, haha, seems a little impressed. He's just a nobody. Ye Feng, is he qualified to teach me how to do things?"

"Where did you come from, clown, are you here to make me happy?"


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