After walking with Gui Qingtong for a while.

I knew that Gui Qingtong was fragile.

I also exercised vigorously yesterday.

Still need more rest.

So Lin Yuan said to Gui Qingtong:"It's almost time to take a walk, are you tired? Go back and rest first."

Gui Qingtong immediately nodded obediently and said:"Well! Listen to brother Lin Yuan!"

Lin Yuan smiled and rubbed her little head.

Then he also took Gui Qingtong with him.

He sent her upstairs to her room to rest.

After letting Gui Qingtong have a good rest.

Lin Yuan went downstairs again.

When I came down, I was already sitting on the sofa.

Mei Yuxian is waiting for him.

Mei Yuxian held some information in her hands.

Saw Lin Yuan coming.

She raised her hand gently and poured Lin Yuan a cup of tea.

After Lin Yuan finished drinking.

The two started chatting

"Have you made plans for Yijun City?"

"You've thought about the Chen family's affairs, right?"

At the beginning, the two of them were talking about the company and the family's business.

For example, the management of Yijun City.

How to deal with the Chen family in the future, etc.

But while chatting, the two of them still talked about Gui Qingtong..Mei

Yuxian asked:"Now that this has happened, what are you going to do to Qingtong in the future?

Lin Yuan smiled naturally and said,"Let's get married.""

Hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Mei Yuxian nodded.

But immediately this beautiful woman bit her red lips and asked with tears in her eyes:"Then...what about me? Lin

Yuan hugged Mei Yuxian and said firmly:"Of course we will get married too."

Mei Yuxian looked embarrassed:" But……"

But she didn't wait for Mei Yuxian to speak.

Lin Yuan interrupted with a smile:"Okay, sister Yuxian, stop pretending, I won't let you go, sister Yuxian.""

"But when it comes to getting married, I'm afraid you won't even want it if I do."

After being exposed by Lin Yuan,

Mei Yuxian burst into laughter instantly. She rolled her eyes at Lin Yuan and said,"I knew you wouldn't be deceived, you little fox."

"I really don’t plan to get married. After all, my sister and I are already old, so why should I get married?"

"My sister was married once. Although it didn’t work out, she had already looked past it."

"Unlike those young girls who always dream about getting married"

"But don't even think about running away"

"That's it, anyway, if you see Qingtong once, you have to see me once."

"My good husband, don’t even think about escaping from your sister’s grasp. Lin

Yuan directly pulled Mei Yuxian into his arms and said with a smile:"That's natural. Sister Yuxian, it's impossible for you to run away.""

Mei Yuxian rolled her eyes at Lin Yuan with an angry look.

But she still obediently leaned into Lin Yuan's arms.

This noble and cold head of the Mei family was extremely terrifying in the eyes of outsiders. He only showed this when he was by Lin Yuan's side.

This kind of woman's posture, gently stroking Mei Yuxian's silky long hair.

Lin Yuan knew it.

Mei Yuxian still didn't want Gui Qingtong to know.

There was some relationship between them, but Lin Yuan would not let them be separated forever.

Keeping it a secret.

Although there are advantages.

But Lin Yuan has already made up his mind.

Sooner or later, he must find an opportunity.

Let the mother and daughter meet honestly.

Let Mei Yuxian teach a group of young Gui Qingtong.


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