More than a few families were jealous of the Lin family's harvest this time.

When you see someone red, you naturally want to snatch it.

Some people even suggested joining forces to persecute the Lin family.

But this idea was immediately stopped.

Because everyone knows it.

The Lin family is in Jiangbei.

It's a behemoth.

It's definitely not something they can handle.

If many Jiangbei families unite to force the palace, there is still a chance.

For example, the Chen family, who is hostile to the Lin family, takes the lead.

They may also get a piece of the action.

But the Chen family, who had not dealt with the Lin family before.

Because this is the same land in Yijun City.

They have all been exhausted.

It's even close to falling apart.

Where can I take care of this?

So many families in Jiangbei.

I can only watch with helpless eyes and sour eyes as the land of Yijun City takes off.

The Lin family also took off immediately, and their assets soared.

And just as they thought.

The Chen family at this time.

It was a mess.

As soon as the latest news about the geological exploration in Yijun City came out, land prices skyrocketed.

The Chen family is the most angry


In the lobby of the Chen family, there were sounds of broken porcelain.

Looking at the broken porcelain teapot that he once loved most, Chen Meng had no regrets in his eyes. The head of the Chen family, his eyes were filled with tears at this time. Bloodshot eyes, canthus cracking

"how come! how so!"

"How could the soft soil subsidence fault zone in Yijun City be the result of a detection error!"

Ye Feng on the side had a similar expression. He looked at the TV with the same expression of disbelief.

"yes! How could previous experts detect errors!"

"How could there be no problem in Yijun City!"

Even though Ye Feng and Chen Meng racked their brains to think about it, they could not have imagined that the geology of Yijun City would have reversed many times in just a few days.

And this result made the Chen family and Ye Feng almost fall into a trap. A dead end.

Chen Meng leaned on his chair in frustration and murmured:"It's over. After we bought the land in Yijun City, we broke the contract and lost most of the risk funds. The Chen family's foundation was directly damaged."

"After the Lin family acquired it, the land price skyrocketed, and the asset value will definitely expand rapidly. Ye

Feng gritted his teeth and said,"The most important thing is that the Lin family bought it at a very low price!" how come! How could this be?"

Ye Feng chewed his teeth to pieces.

He really couldn't understand why Lin Yuan's luck was so good.

And his luck was so bad!

He didn't accept it, he didn't accept it!

Thinking of Lin Yuan and the Lin family They bought the land in Yijun City at a low price.

They were so bitter because they originally bought this land.

But they!

At the beginning,

Ye Feng and the Chen family went through a fierce auction competition.

They spent so much money A lot of money.

Even the risk capital was withdrawn.

I bought it after risk after risk.

As a result, due to the breach of contract, not only did I not make any profit, but I also lost all my capital.

As for the Lin family, they bought it at a low price.

As a result, the land price is rising rapidly.

I am afraid that the market value of the Lin family will increase several times!

This contrast is difficult for both Ye Feng and Chen Meng to accept. Ye Feng gritted his teeth so hard that they were almost shaking, and his mouth was full of the smell of blood.

Chen Meng's eyes were also bloodshot, and he almost collapsed.

However , The two of them still had some endurance.

Although they were extremely angry,

Ye Feng still said:"Uncle Chen, first, don't think about this.……"

Chen Meng also nodded and said:"What you are saying is that I should think more about the follow-up treatment of the Chen family first.……"

Chen Meng was preparing to discuss with Ye Feng how to stabilize the Chen family next.

Try not to collapse directly.

But right now.

Suddenly a group of people rushed directly into the Chen family lobby

"Chen Meng, Patriarch, I will call you Patriarch and brother again! Tell me, how should you be responsible for this?!"

Chen Meng and Ye Feng turned around and took a look.

The people who came were none other than some senior members of the Chen family.

And the leader was none other than the middle-aged gangster, Chen Meng's younger brother, Chen Zheng.


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