After brushing your teeth, gargling your mouth and face for a while in the toilet.

Director Jingjing finally came out.

Lin Yuan also left after taking her back to the Land Management Bureau. certainly.

Lin Yuan did not drive drunk.

With his physique.

When I was in the toilet before.

Just to get rid of all the alcohol.

Absolute sobriety.

On the contrary, it was Director Jingjing.

I went to the toilet and got even drunker.

Lin Yuan took the document he had just signed with the Land Management Bureau.

The agreement regarding the land use rights in Yijun City returned to the company.

Once back at the company.

Come to the office.

Yan Ruyue, who was wearing a secretary suit and stockings covering her perfect long legs, put down her work.

He stood up and walked towards Lin Yuan.

The sensible Yan Ruyue first handed Lin Yuan a cup of tea.

And waited for Lin Yuan to sit down.

After kissing and feeding Lin Yuan to drink tea.

Yan Ruyue then asked:"Where did you go to flirt with others?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said:"We are just talking about business.


Lin Yuan threw the signed agreement on the table.

And motioned to Yan Ruyue to open it.

Yan Ruyue looked through the agreements curiously.

Then he asked Lin Yuan in surprise:"Did you just go to talk to the Land Management Bureau and buy all the land in Yijun City?"

Yan Ruyue was very surprised at this time.

"Yes. Lin Yuan nodded.

Yan Ruyue said confidently:"Although it feels a bit risky, it feels pretty good." After all, it is difficult to win so much land at this price. If we can win so much land at such a low price, it may have great potential in the future."

Actually, Yan Ruyue is not very optimistic either.

But she believes in Lin Yuan and is also very obedient.

She is just a secretary. She doesn't care about so much.

Just serve Lin Yuan well.

Lin Yuan smiled and didn't say much.

Enjoying Yan Ruyue's massage.

At the same time, Lin Yuan also informed Lin's father and Lin's mother. Their reactions were similar to Yan Ruyue's.

They all felt a bit risky.

But they had no objections.

After all, they all believed in Lin Yuan.



There is no airtight wall in the world.

Lin Yuan represented the Lin family in acquiring the land in Yijun City.

Word spread quickly.

After all, this is not a small business.

Even if it is not as big as the original auction.

But definitely not small.

So very quickly.

All the big and small families in Jiangbei have received some news.

Each family reacted differently.

Those who didn't have a good relationship with the Lin family were naturally ridiculed in all kinds of ways.

Especially the Chen family.

I want to open champagne to celebrate.

In the Chen family lobby.

Chen Meng, the head of the Chen family who had just received the news, laughed and said:"Haha, God help me, the Lin family actually bought the land in Yijun City that we sold back!"

Ye Feng on the side immediately laughed and said:"The Lin family is really funny. , pick up people's teeth, pick up what we don't want, and want to take advantage!"

Chen Meng said with a smile:"Yes, the Lin family definitely wants to take advantage of it when they get it. But due to the in-depth geological exploration, the land discovery in Yijun City is really not good, and The price has been reduced, and the Lin family will definitely suffer a big loss this time!"

Ye Feng cooperated and mocked the Lin family, especially Lin Yuan.


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