After returning to Chen's house.

Chen Meng placed the thick land purchase agreement on the table.

The Chen family, Ye Feng and others all looked at each other in silence.

Originally when they got it and signed it.

I don’t know how happy I am to laugh.

After all, there was land related to Yijun City before.

That is the fragrant steamed bun, it is not an exaggeration to say it is a cash cow.

But who would have thought.

This money tree has actually been corroded by borers on the inside.

Just an empty shell.

It’s worth less than an ordinary tree

"Brother, what should we do next? All the Chen family’s money has been poured into it!"Chen Zheng couldn't help but ask Chen Meng.

Chen Meng helplessly said:"What can we do? Of course, we need to cancel the agreement and withdraw all our funds!

Ye Feng also said:"Yes, we have to withdraw all our funds!"

Chen Zheng sneered and said,"Withdraw?" Who doesn’t want to withdraw funds, but it’s not that easy!"

After listening to Chen Zheng's words,

Chen Meng and Ye Feng also looked helpless.

Indeed, they had signed an agreement with the officials of the Land Management Bureau a long time ago. There is something clear in the agreement. If an accident occurs, they want to break the contract. You can withdraw funds. But you have to compensate a large part of it! Or even all of it! Otherwise, there is no such good thing. Just invest if you know the inside information. The sky will not be a free pie. This is what speculation requires. Risks and costs. But there is no way. After struggling for a while, the Chen family and others decided to withdraw their capital. Because they overdrafted the Chen family's assets. They came to make this investment. If the investment goes well, then everyone will naturally be happy. But if except for unexpected circumstances, the blood cannot be regenerated, then the Chen family will definitely suffer a heavy blow! And there will be strong voices within the Chen family. After all, the Chen family is not the Chen family of Chen Meng alone. This big gamble has lost. Then the Chen family will definitely also have a strong voice. It will have a big impact. In short, the Chen family and Ye Feng finally decided to reluctantly withdraw their capital. After many negotiations with the authorities, in the end, the Chen family successfully withdrew their capital after paying 70% of the liquidated damages. In other words, they spent The land use rights they bought from the government at a large price have now been returned to the government. However, their funds have only returned more than 20%. The Chen family has been severely damaged this time. In addition, the medical industry was previously destroyed by Lin. Yuan was hit hard that time. At this time, the Chen family's capital chain, various financial reserves, and various industries were all hit hard. The Chen family's vitality was severely damaged, and it was almost unbearable! The entire Chen family was even in chaos. Chen Zheng and others even clamored to separate from Chen Meng. They felt that the decision made by Chen Meng was too stupid. Although the decision about this investment at that time must have been made by everyone in the Chen family. Including the Chen family’s elders and core senior management, Naturally, it also includes Chen Zheng and others. But when something goes wrong, Chen Meng, as the head of the family, is the one who takes the blame. He has to take the blame even if he wants to. He has to take the blame even if he doesn't want to! And the middle-aged dandy Chen Zheng and others , naturally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, so they all made a fuss about breaking up the family. Chen Meng was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Only Ye Feng said that he would ask the master living Buddha for help. This comforted Chen Meng a little. Ye Feng also understood. If the Chen family fell,. Then there is almost no family in the entire Jiangbei that can compete with the increasingly powerful Lin family! And he has a life-and-death feud with the Lin family and Lin Yuan, and there is almost no possibility of revenge!


………… the other side.

Compared with the extremely miserable atmosphere in the Chen family.

The Lin family looked very happy.

After all, the Chen family and the Lin family are now at odds.

Seeing the enemy in such pain.

The Lin family members were naturally very happy.

After a discussion between Lin Jianjun and Meng Yuelan.

He said to Lin Yuan:"Yuan'er, after this land purchase incident, the Chen family is absolutely in chaos."

"We, the Lin family, might as well take advantage of the situation and attack the Chen family's property everywhere!"

This idea is normal and correct.

Yan Ruyue nodded, obviously supporting it.

However, Lin Yuan shook his head and said:"This is indeed an opportunity, but there is no need to worry."

"Now that the Chen family is in civil strife, many people will have opinions about Chen Meng, the head of the family, and will cause internal strife."

"But if our Lin family takes action now, it will make them unite to deal with the Lin family, a foreign enemy. Chen Meng is so smart, he will definitely transfer the conflict to the outside, to us."

"So we don’t have to rush to take action, it’s better to leave it alone"

"They will definitely make a noise to separate the family and fall apart due to civil strife."

"Of course, we can still take the opportunity to annex some of the Chen family's properties, but we don't need to push too hard."

"Because we have more important things to do now! Lin

Yuan said with a smile.

Lin Yuan's analysis was very rational and thorough.

Lin Jianjun, Meng Yuelan and Yan Ruyue all nodded in agreement.

As for Lin Yuan's last words, they were a little confused.

"More important things to do?"Yan Ruyue blinked and looked at Lin Yuan in confusion.

What happened?

Lin Jianjun and Meng Yuelan were both a little confused.

But when they saw Lin Yuan didn't say anything, they didn't ask any more questions.

Because after this series of things, they still Just now, Lin Yuan asked them not to buy the land and let the Chen family buy it. They all discovered it.

Lin Yuan could hardly make mistakes.

So they all decided.

Just leave the matter to Lin Yuan.

They all He believed in Lin Yuan very much.

Lin Yuan didn't explain much. He smiled and took Yan Ruyue back to the company.

After returning to the company,

Lin Yuan studied for a while with Yan Ruyue, who was jealous before.

He took out candles and the like.

After it was evening,

Lin Yuan tidied up and answered a phone call that he had just made several times.


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