
Bidding begins.

About the place of Yijun City.

The competition is very fierce.

Apparently got inside information.

There are even a lot of people who have confirmed it.

Come here.

Most of them want to make a lot of money.

So the bidding was very fierce.

Lin Yuan also took action from time to time.

But they are all just symbolic. quickly.

The results are coming.

Although the competition is very fierce.

There are many big families.

Many resources and funds have been invested in this.

But eventually.

Most of the land use rights.

It still belongs to the Chen family and Ye Feng.

As Chen Meng and Ye Feng said before.

As a former wealthy family in Yanjing.

The Chen family’s heritage.

Really deep.

Plus the news from Ye Feng’s master, the Living Buddha.

This time the Chen family really almost made a desperate move.

Come with a lot of money.

So about the landmark bidding in Yijun City.

The Chen family and Ye Feng have almost a monopoly of 80 to 90%!

"This Chen family is really crazy! Such a generous act!"

"Have no idea! The news is accurate, the land value appreciation in Yijun City is almost certain! Why don't we have enough courage?"

"This time almost everyone was eaten by the Chen family!"

"Why didn't the Lin family do anything? Don't they have a grudge against the Chen family?"

People from other big families were talking a lot.

They were a little dissatisfied with the Chen family for eating alone.

But there was nothing they could do about it.

But Chen Meng and Ye Feng were very happy.

They looked at each other and then smiled at each other.

This time, the Chen family took a huge risk and withdrew a lot of risk funds from the family industry.

Just for this investment.

So they decisively acquired a lot of land in Yijun City.

Eighty or ninety percent of it was owned by Chen Jia and Ye Feng won it.

They were waiting for the appreciation. They also took advantage of it to make a fortune.

Chen Meng couldn't help but smile and said:"As expected, Xiao Feng, we won most of them! Ye

Feng also smiled contentedly and said:"That's natural. The Lin family is as timid as a mouse and has a weak background. How dare they take action this time, with only the little funds they have, haha!""

Chen Meng and Ye Feng were both very ambitious and complacent.

After discovering this, the other big families couldn't help but start chatting.

They all began to be a little biased.

The struggle between the Chen family and the Lin family Acupuncture has long been in progress. It started.

Although no family has shown clear support for one of them, it is very difficult to completely stand aside in the competition between the two top families in Jiangbei. After all, the economy is a cycle. They are all in the same circle. It is impossible not to be affected. It is impossible not to be a little closer to any family. And what happened today made many people in the big family feel that the Lin family, especially Lin Yuan's design, had repeatedly The frustrated Chen family seems to be about to rise. Now they have to consider the Chen family more. Many people in the big family have some vague biases. They are all human beings. Father Lin, Mother Lin, Yan Ruyue and others. Naturally, everyone felt the change in the atmosphere. However, Lin Yuan, including Yan Ruyue and others, did not pay attention to this. They were just preparing to leave. But after the bidding was completed, the officials stayed for a meal with everyone present. After all, some News. We can't reveal it so quickly. Even if we know it, we still know it, but we still have to avoid it. But they are all respectable people. It's not good to force them to stay. So naturally, everyone present was invited to have a meal. Lin Yuan didn't care either.. He was invited into a large private room by officials. In the private room, Lin Yuan, Yan Ruyue, and Lin's father and mother did not have much expression on their faces. They just ate quietly. After the staff left and closed the door, Yan Ruyue said He couldn't help but ask:"Lin Yuan, what should we do next?


"This time, all the land in Yijun City was taken to the Chen family. When the project is completed and the land prices rise, the Chen family's assets will be greatly expanded!"


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