Yan Ruyue was like an aunt at this time.

Very tit for tat.

But for Yan Ruyue, she is just an aunt.

Mei Yuxian really didn't care.

Only women who are afraid of old age care so much.

For her who is almost frozen in age.

Whatever Yan Ruyue says.

Such a little girl.

She really didn't care too much.

Mei Yuxian did not get jealous of Yan Ruyue, she just smiled and said:"Xiaoyue'er, why are you by Xiao Yuan's side? Where is your mother? You are the CEO, you won't be Xiao Yuan's secretary now, right?"

Yan Ruyue looked at Mei Yuxian He didn't care about her offensive and could only grit his teeth helplessly.

He could only answer:"My mother is not here, and I am indeed working as a secretary for Lin Yuan. Now, I stay by his side to help him every day."

"Ouch? Stay by your side every day, stay together? It’s good to be young, I envy you."

Mei Yuxian lightly covered her lips and replied softly. Her words were envious, but her tone was teasing.

Looking at Yan Ruyue's angry and helpless look, she felt overjoyed.

These little girls are so cute.

I just wanted to stay together every day.

Little did I know that this All these thoughts are just to satisfy their own inner needs.

Mature women need to leave some space and distance for men.

After several confrontations,

Yan Ruyue did not gain any advantage.

She was also a little frustrated.

Looking at some of the arguments, she was jealous. Second daughter.

After Lin Yuan smiled and watched this farce, he also smiled and said:"Okay, okay, Sister Yuxian, you are here to bid today, right? Lin

Yuan winked.

Mei Yuxian understood and smiled:"Yes, and I have sent you all the information you asked for.""

After chatting for a while,

Lin Yuancai and Mei Yuxian separated and did not sit together.

Although the relationship between the two has been extraordinary for a long time. They have become one.

But there is no need to sit together, so as not to attract attention.

It seems that Yan Ruyue, who was still a little unconvinced, left.

Lin Yuan turned on his phone.

Sure enough, he found that Mei Yuxian had sent detailed information about today's land bidding.

It included the identity information of people from the big family who had come, and those who had not come but were coming. Information about the person.

There are also details about the bidding, etc.

Almost everything you need.

I have to say that

Mei Yuxian’s ability is really very strong.

Not only does she have a perfect appearance and figure, she is also unparalleled in charm.

Her ability is also invincible.

Such a person The perfect mature lady.

Who can not love her?

After sending a loving emoticon,

Lin Yuan turned off the phone.

Looking at Yan Ruyue who seemed to be sulking and thinking about how to deal with Mei Yuxian,

Lin Yuan was about to speak.

But there was a voice saying hello first from the side.

"It's Xiaoyuan."

It was the voice of a middle-aged man.

Lin Yuan turned around and saw that the person greeting him was actually Yun Yekong, the head of the Yun family who had just discussed business not long ago.

He was also Yun Yaxuan's father.

Seeing this familiar person Face.

Lin Yuan also smiled and said hello:"It's Uncle Yun."

While saying hello,

Lin Yuan looked around Yun Yekong.

He found that he should have come alone.

Yun Yaxuan did not come.

If Yun Yaxuan came today, the story would be exciting.

But there is no rush.

He Yun After Ye Kong said hello casually, they passed by each other.


Lin Yuan saw another acquaintance.

"Brother Lin Yuan!"

A girl in cheongsam with a delicate and delicate face greeted Lin Yuan with a look of surprise.

"It's Qingqing."

Lin Yuan also smiled and greeted her.

This cheongsam girl was none other than Tang Qingqing from the Tang family. Tang Qingqing was very happy to see Lin Yuan. She jumped to Lin Yuan's side. For Lin Yuan. Tang Qingqing liked and trusted her very much. And Lin Yuan also looked at Tang Qingqing. He noticed the changes in Tang Qingqing. Although Tang Qingqing was still the girl who liked to wear cheongsam. She was still as beautiful as a flower, charming and charming. But her demeanor and temperament But he has changed a lot. Most of the playfulness between his eyebrows and eyes has disappeared. A lot of the tenderness on his face has also disappeared. To put it simply, he has grown up. He has matured. No wonder. He has experienced the death of his father and brother one after another. One person wants to Working hard to support the huge Tang family, the innocent and lovely girl had to become mature. Such a change is naturally not surprising. After some greetings, Lin Yuan asked with a smile:"Qingqing, are you here today?" , do you want to bid for land in Yijun City?" Tang Qingqing didn't want to keep it secret. She explained to Lin Yuan clearly:"Well, yes!


"I feel that the Tang family is lifeless now. It has been like this since..."

"I feel like I can’t find a breakthrough in the Tang family now, so I plan to take this opportunity to develop the Tang family."

The girl still had some ideas of her own.

But Lin Yuan smiled and said:"Qingqing, listen to my advice, don't take action in today's land bidding."

"Your Tang family's foundation is not strong now. Striving for progress is worse than seeking stability. Do you understand?"


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