Hear this voice.

Yan Ruyue's color suddenly changed.

Because just hearing this voice.

It's enough to make any man's body tingle, his legs numb, and his blood boiling.

Like the banshee on the sea.

That voice can be said to be extremely charming!

And the call was something else.

But the word husband is the most swaying word. heard this title.

Lin Yuan has not had any fluctuations yet.

But Yan Ruyue's whole body was not well.

Her delicate and beautiful face was now filled with chills.

He repeated in a low voice through gritted teeth.


Yan Ruyue stared closely at Lin Yuan, who was holding up the cell phone to his ear.

It seems to be through a mobile phone.

Saw the 'sexy bitch' on the other end of the phone.

Who is it?

She even called her sweetheart husband.


Yan Ruyue frowned slightly.

This extremely charming voice.

She seemed to have heard it.

And I have also met the owner of this voice.

She seemed to remember. wrong!

She must remember!

The voice alone is so sexy and enchanting.

It is absolutely impossible for there to be many individuals.

There is one and only one person.

Will just rely on sound.

It's so exciting and exciting.

Mei Yuxian!

Yan Ruyue raised her eyebrows. suddenly see the light.

This incredibly charming voice.

In this world.

Except Mei Yuxian.

No one else will ever have it.

And Lin Yuan's answer.

This is also confirmed.

Already noticed Yan Ruyue's sharp eyes.

But Lin Yuan didn't care.

She just smiled at Mei Yuxian who called her husband on the other end of the phone and said,"Sister Yuxian, don't seduce people this early in the morning. You can't stand it.""

"Don’t call me husband early in the morning. Change your title first."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words.

Mei Yuxian on the other end of the phone seemed to notice something instantly.

After all, she is an extremely smart woman.

Mei Yuxian laughed and said:"Oh, haha, is my husband going behind my back to get involved with women again? Got it"

"And let me guess, is this flower by your side now?"

Hearing Mei Yuxian's words,

Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile.

I have to say that

Mei Yuxian is really a very smart woman.

Her brain reaction is really fast.

She can guess everything with just a few clues.

Lin Yuan neither admitted nor denied.

He just smiled and said:"Stop making trouble, let's talk about business first. You called me because something happened."

After hearing what Lin Yuan said,

Mei Yuxian did not continue to joke.

Instead, he said:"I have investigated all the information you asked me to check."

"It is almost certain that Yijun City will build a university town."

"The land there has now turned into fragrant buns. What, do we want to take action?"

Although she didn't continue to call her husband,

Mei Yuxian's words were still very affectionate.

She addressed us directly.

Even though she knew that there was probably another woman around Lin Yuan,

Mei Yuxian did not shy away from it.

After all, in her opinion.

The women around Lin Yuan were so immature.

She didn't take it seriously.

Moreover, Mei Yuxian's favorability towards Lin Yuan at this time was almost the same as the full value.

So Mei Yuxian naturally regarded her and Lin Yuan as equals. It's all one.

Lin Yuan's business is her business.

That's not our business.

But Yan Ruyue here gritted her teeth.

But Lin Yuan didn't pay much attention.

He just smiled at Mei Yuxian and said:"Don't Take action, just continue to pay attention"


Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Mei Yuxian replied very briefly.

But she showed full trust in Lin Yuan.

Unlike Lin's father and Lin's mother,

Mei Yuxian actually knew more about Lin Yuan's methods.

She knew that Lin Yuan Yuan must have a purpose in doing things.

And she has always been thoughtful and well-planned. So she will be very obedient and will not question anything about Lin Yuan. Finally, Mei Yuxian seemed to suddenly remember something. She patted her forehead and said to Lin Yuan :"By the way, Lin Yuan, I have to inform you about something. Lin Yuan asked:"What's the matter?" Mei Yuxian smiled and said,"It's Qingtong's eighteenth birthday in a few days. This is a coming-of-age ceremony. That girl has been asking me to inform you every day, saying that you must come then." Lin Yuan immediately smiled and said:"So it's this. I remember it. I will definitely go there then."


"Okay, so be it."

After saying that, Mei Yuxian hung up the phone.

He came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

That's what a mature woman is like.

Even if her heart is full of Lin Yuan, she won't get too entangled.

Give Lin Yuan enough freedom.

This It is the charm of a mature woman.

An inexperienced girl cannot understand it at all.

On the other side, a girl who has just become a young woman is about to explode at this time.



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