Lin Yuan looked at the photo for a few seconds.

Then he handed it back to Yun Yaxuan.

Yun Yaxuan took it.

After seeing that the person in the photo was her fiancé Ye Feng.

Also slightly stunned.

Then he quickly stuffed the photo back into the bag.

I don’t know why the movements are so urgent.

This photo was given to her by her family before.

After all, the fingertips are the marriage. The fingertips are the marriage.

Information about the other party.

It must still be given to Yun Yaxuan.

And the reason why is in the bag.

She probably put it in her bag accidentally and forgot about it.

So I accidentally dropped my phone when I took it out.

And after stuffing the photo back into the bag.

Only then did Yun Yaxuan come back to her senses.

Thinking of Lin Yuan, he seemed to have been looking at the photos for a while.

At this time, he also looked at her with a smile.

It seemed like he had something to say.

Yun Yaxuan was immediately curious and asked,"What's wrong, Mr. Lin?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said,"It's nothing, I just feel that the person in this photo looks a bit familiar."

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, Yun Yaxuan Slightly stunned.

Yun Yaxuan hesitated for a moment and then said:"The person in the photo... is my fiancé."

When Yun Yaxuan said this.

His expression was a little unnatural.

Because she suddenly remembered that Lin Yuan had just touched her hand.

And when facing Lin Yuan, his heartbeat always speeds up.

Although she never thought about much else.

She still firmly believes that she will marry her fiancé Ye Feng, who has been married to her for a long time.

But I don’t know why.

When saying this.

She is still a little unnatural.

You can see the strange expression on Yun Yaxuan's expression.

But Lin Yuan didn't say much.

He just smiled and asked casually:"I carry photos with me, Miss Yun, your relationship must be very good."

Hearing Lin Yuan's calm words.

Yun Yaxuan suddenly became anxious.

She quickly defended:"No, no, actually we haven't met yet!"

She didn't know why.

After hearing what Lin Yuan said.

Yun Yaxuan was a little panicked.

A strong urge to defend arises.

Yun Yaxuan also felt something was wrong.

But she thought about it.

Maybe it's because she has never met Ye Feng.

Although he has already determined that Ye Feng is his fiancé.

But after all, we have never met.

So it’s really hard to say whether a relationship is good or not.

Even if she is destined to marry Ye Feng in the future.

But I'm not familiar with it now.

It's only natural for her to defend this.

And looking at Yun Yaxuan's anxious look to defend herself.

Lin Yuan also smiled immediately.

Then Lin Yuan said:"Oh, that's it."

"Another thing is that your fiancé Ye Feng actually looks familiar to me."

"I don’t know if he is the person in my memory. I don’t have a good impression of him. He……"

Speaking of which.

Lin Yuan's expression was subtle and he hesitated to speak.

Yun Yaxuan could see it clearly.

For the person Lin Yuan is about to talk about.

Lin Yuan would not be a good comment. at this time.

Yun Yaxuan suddenly interrupted:"Mr. Lin, I don't really want to discuss this topic."

"Let’s not talk about these digressions and return to the topic just now."

Hearing Yun Yaxuan suddenly interrupt him with some rare impoliteness.

Lin Yuan did not show the slightest trace of annoyance.

He just smiled and said:"Okay."

Seeing that Lin Yuan was not angry because of her interruption,

Yun Yaxuan was relieved.


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