Feeling the cold little hands.

Leave your hands.

The expression on Lin Yuan's face did not change at all.

Still looking straight at Yun Yaxuan.

On the contrary, it was Yun Yaxuan.

Tested the probe slightly.

Listening to Yun Yaxuan's question.

Lin Yuan smiled and replied:"I figured it out."

After hearing Lin Yuan's words.

Yun Yaxuan couldn't care less about her previous discomfort and strange blushing feeling.

She looked back.

She looked at Lin Yuan curiously and asked,"What is the calculated result?"

Although Yun Yaxuan had always had a good impression of Lin Yuan.

She didn't think Lin Yuan would tell her anything about fortune telling to deceive her.

But the metaphysics of fortune telling.

After all, there is still a trace of doubt.

She also studied it.

So if Lin Yuan can say something.

She will still be happier.

After all, that meant she might have actually found a kindred spirit.

And if it was just to make her laugh.

It will make Yun Yaxuan feel very bad.

After all, it was just right.

So Yun Yaxuan was looking forward to what Lin Yuan would say.

But Lin Yuan's answer.

But it surprised Yun Yaxuan.

Lin Yuan smiled and said:"Miss Yun, I won't tell you those lies about Qimen Dunjia and Five Elements Bagua. I'll just tell you the result.""

"OK. Yun

Yaxuan said with a smile.

In fact, she was quite surprised.

Fortune telling is actually partly related to psychological effects. After all, it depends on the person whether she believes in this kind of metaphysical thing.

But Lin Yuan doesn't seem to want to talk about those mysterious things..Does he really have real abilities?

While Yun Yaxuan was waiting,

Lin Yuan's next words directly stunned Yun Yaxuan.

"Miss Yun, when you were born, was it difficult to give birth? Lin

Yuan asked with a smile.


Yun Yaxuan was stunned for a while and then nodded.

Could it be that Lin Yuan really knows fortune telling?

Still confused.

Just when Yun Yaxuan was guessing.

Lin Yuan added:"And you, three years ago, there was a life and death crisis, and it was related to fire."

"To put it simply, it was a fire and almost an accident."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Yun Yaxuan was stunned again.

The surprise on her face instantly increased a lot.

"Yes, I was studying abroad three years ago. When I was in the school dormitory, a fire broke out"

"The situation was quite dangerous at that time, and something almost happened, but luckily it was put out in time."

Recalling the dangerous situation at that time, Yun Yaxuan still felt vividly.

But this happened three years ago.

At that time, she was afraid that her parents would be worried, so she didn't tell anyone else.

How did Lin Yuan know?

Could it be.

He really Are you good at telling fortunes?

"Mr. Lin, you are really good at telling fortunes."Yun Yaxuan had already believed most of it at this time.

But Lin Yuan didn't take it seriously at all. He just smiled again and casually said some things that in Yun Yaxuan's opinion, it was impossible for outsiders to know.

Put Yun Yaxuan She was so shocked that she nodded repeatedly.

She heard one thing after another what Lin Yuan said.

And there was no mistake at all.

Yun Yaxuan couldn't help but said to Lin Yuan:"Mr. Lin, you are so amazing!"

Although she likes traditional culture, as a modern person, Yun Yaxuan doesn't take fortune telling very seriously. She just regards this as a kind of culture. But she didn't expect that the Lin Yuan she met this time is really He must hit the mark and be on target. However, Lin Yuan can't tell fortunes. That all involves the metaphysical category of logical cause and effect. Lin Yuan only knows the identity and background of Yun Yaxuan, the heroine in urban novels, and Ye Feng's fiancée. That's it. And with the help of hacking technology, Lin Yuan has already turned Yun Yaxuan upside down. Even what color clothes Yun Yaxuan likes to wear, what she likes to eat, what position she sleeps in, and what she is wearing now. Lin Yuan knew all about the color of his underwear. So the so-called fortune telling just now was naturally casual.


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