Lin Yuan was not surprised that the system prompted Chi Qian's favorability to increase.

Although this increase in favorability seems quite large at first glance.

But the increase in favorability at this time is not just because of the small matter of putting on clothes.

The reason why Chi Qian can directly increase his favorability by 5 points at this time.

Directly push the favorability level past the 60 mark.

Mainly because of the progress and breakthroughs in relationships today.

To know.

The relationship between the two today can be said to be a breakthrough.

The relationship between the two has changed a lot from before.

The original relationship between Lin Yuan and Chi Qian.

Still mainly friends and confidants.

Even if it's very, very easy to talk.

It feels very in tune.

But they are still just friends.

And sometimes Yu Shanshan is needed as a link.

But after today.

After the two had such intimate contact as a kiss.

Naturally, it can't be just a friendship.

The two already have an ambiguous relationship between opposite sexes.


That is the state of being more than a friend but not yet a lover.

It has exceeded the boundaries of ordinary friendship.

As long as there are no unexpected developments.

The kind that can become a target.

So the favorability suddenly increased a lot.

But it still made Lin Yuan quite happy.

Not just relationship progress.

There are also system rewards.

After all, Chi Qian has five points of favorability.

That’s a full five thousand counterattack points.

It also speeds up the unlocking progress of technology templates.

So naturally it still feels good.

Not a moment.

The three of them also returned to the hotel.

Everyone goes back to their rooms.

All took a bath.

Changed clothes.

After all, they were all soaked by the rain.


After Lin Yuan took a shower.

Then walked out of the room.

On this floor is the spacious living room.

Turn on the projector and watch the movie on the large screen.

Stirring a cup of coffee with his left hand.

Just watched it for a while.

Chi Qian and Yu Shanshan haven't come out yet.

Not surprising either.

After all, girls have long hair.

Bathing is always much slower than men.

Lin Yuan drank coffee quietly and enjoyed the movie.

But I just had two sips.

I just watched the movie 'Cinema Paradiso' on the curtain for a while.

A figure burst out of the room in a hurry

"Cousin, help me blow dry my hair!"

Yu Shanshan's voice was not unpleasant, but it made people feel a little noisy.

Lin Yuan looked up.

He saw Yu Shanshan with wet hair, which was obviously freshly washed.

She was carrying a tightly wrapped bag with her hands. Bathrobe.

Then came to him. He glanced at Yu Shanshan.

Lin Yuan ignored him. He turned his head and watched the movie.

While stirring the coffee, he said casually:"Didn't you see that I was watching the movie? Blow it away yourself.""

"Blow it for me and you will die."

Yu Shanshan, wrapped in a bathrobe, said angrily.

In fact, Yu Shanshan's appearance and figure are pretty good. After all, she is a young girl who has just grown up.

The appearance of being wrapped in a bathrobe at this time is actually very tempting.

If It was other boys who saw it.

I'm afraid his eyes were opened.

But for Yu Shanshan, a naughty child,

Lin Yuan didn't feel anything at all.

Even dressed like this.

Maybe it was because she was too naughty.

He didn't regard her as the opposite sex on weekdays.

After all, He really looked like a naughty kid.

But in the end,

Lin Yuan agreed to help Yu Shanshan blow dry her hair.

After all, Yu Shanshan ran to set off fireworks by herself today.

It can be regarded as objectively creating the necessary conditions for him to have close contact with Chi Qian.

There is no credit. Hard work.

Just blowdrying her hair.

Just satisfy her.

"Bring me the hair dryer. Lin

Yuan said


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