But I heard Lin Yuan take the initiative to mention it.

She couldn't help but feel too ashamed.

Even with Lin Yuan. and the one you like.

She also felt shy.

So I refused decisively.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly.

Didn’t mention it again.

Naturally, he had already guessed Chi Qian's answer.

His main purpose was actually to stop Chi Qian from worrying about what happened after the kiss.

Although he was almost defeated by Chi Qian, his goal was achieved now.

Chi Qian also smiled.

She also knew what Lin Yuan was thinking.

I'm worried that she thinks too much.

It's a joke to relieve the siege.

And after some joking.

The atmosphere has also improved a lot.

Chi Qian stopped worrying about it.

Then the two still held hands.

Chatting casually.

Holding that soft and warm little hand.

Smell the fragrance of the beautiful lady next to you.

It’s already very satisfying. certainly.

Lin Yuan does not intend to limit it to this.

It needs to be pushed down.

He really wanted to see it.

Chi Qian is perfect and refuses to admit defeat.

In some aspects, are they also perfect and imperfect?lost.

But naturally it cannot be here now.

Now is not the time.

Lin Yuan was not in a hurry.

At this time, he was standing next to Lin Yuan.

Chi Qian was less than half a punch away.

It seemed that he was vaguely aware of Lin Yuan's thoughts.

She glanced at him with a slightly red face.

Her bright eyes are quite charming.

Like a white ragdoll cat.

After the two chatted for a few more words.

Finally the call came.

After the splendid fireworks in the sky went through the climax of the indiscriminate bombardment.

The frequency has also slowed down a lot.

Both seemed to have returned to their original appearance.

It was as if the passionate kiss in the darkness and under the fireworks had never happened. certainly.

These are all appearances.

It's just that both of them adjusted quickly.

Two people's hands.

At this time they were still holding each other tightly.

Turn around and look.

Lin Yuan could see Chi Qian, who was always cold.

The eyes that looked at him at this moment had a trace of unconcealable passion.

Lin Yuan knew that he was the same.

Lin Yuan, who was usually calm, still had a change in his eyes when he looked at Chi Qian.

Look at the attractive person.

Two people with strong self-control.

There are inevitably some changes.

The lights that turned back on reflected Chi Qian's face.

That pretty, reddish face is as bright as a peach blossom.

And the eyes on Lin Yuan's handsome face were also dark and flawless.

There seemed to be a spark in the air.

If it weren't for this, the lights would turn on again.

The two of them might have started chewing together again.

But in this case.

Lin Yuan knew that Chi Qian would definitely not be like that. and.

A lively and naughty figure also ran down the mountain.

Although I can't see clearly yet.

But the somewhat noisy sound had already come.

No need to ask.

It must be Yu Shanshan.

At this time, the call came, and it took a while.

I guess I had enough fireworks. heard this movement.

Lin Yuan felt the little hand in his palm move slightly.

Lin Yuan turned his head.

Sure enough, he saw Chi Qian looking at him.

Look at Chi Qian's expression.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

The hands the two held together immediately let go.

Chi Qian looked slightly relaxed.

Lin Yuan also understood Chi Qian's thoughts.

Chi Qian hesitated.

She probably didn't want Yu Shanshan to see them holding hands like this.

I still feel a little ashamed in my heart.

After all, things happened so fast.

It happened suddenly.

Although Yu Shanshan had always wanted to match them up before.

But it was so sudden.

Yu Shanshan will definitely yell.

Lin Yuan didn't want to hear Yu Shanshan yelling and chattering.

So forget it.

Chi Qian's thoughts were still not clear enough at this time.

I still want to think about it carefully when I go back.

Maybe after the two officially establish their relationship.

I will let you know.

Lin Yuan knew it.

So he let go of his hand along with Chi Qian.

The two men's hands just let go.

Yu Shanshan, who was still carrying a few buckets of fireworks, ran back jumping.

As soon as she came back, Yu Shanshan smiled and said,"Fireworks are so fun. It's a pity that you two didn't go with me just now.""

"well enough."

Lin Yuan and Chi Qian both smiled casually and didn't pay much attention.

Looking at the two people's indifferent expressions,

Yu Shanshan put her hands on her hips and smiled:"Humph, you must not know how cool it is to set off fireworks on the mountain. Those huge fireworks exploded in the sky! It’s simply stunningly beautiful!"

"If you had gone there, you would have known that you two would be bored out of your mind if you stayed here all the time without electricity."


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