Lin Yuan, this can be regarded as a kind of test.

Chi Qian's favorable impression of him is already quite high.

But the two basically didn't have much intentional contact.

Chi Qian never gets too close to others.

Not to mention having physical contact with the opposite sex, this kind of contact that is deliberately unconcealed.

If agreed.

It shows that the relationship between the two parties has improved a lot.

And Chi Qian is also able to accept this kind of contact. to be honest.

The relationship between Lin Yuan and Chi Qian at this time.

It has long gone beyond the scope of ordinary friends.

It's just a little vague and unclear.

This can be regarded as Lin Yuan's first attempt.

But not too bold.

Just let nature take its course.

But it was just like what Lin Yuan thought.

Although Chi Qian didn't expect Lin Yuan's sudden contact.

Somewhat unexpected.

But I didn't find it annoying either.

So I didn’t say much.

She has never actually experienced anything like this.

There aren’t many obvious ideas either.

It's just not really annoying.

After all, Chi Qian himself also had a good impression of Lin Yuan.

So Chi Qian had no plans to stop him.

Chi Qian was flipping his hair casually.

When Lin Yuan looked at Chi Qian.

There was some noise coming from downstairs.

This movement.

Probably Yu Shanshan is back.

Lin Yuan and Chi Qian looked at each other.

Then they walked out of the room together.

This is a tacit understanding between the two.

Because both of them know it.

If Yu Shanshan saw the two of them in the same room.

So I can't explain it no matter how I explain it.

That kid must be making a lot of noise. quickly.

Come up with the elevator.

The sound of thumping footsteps sounded.

Sure enough, Yu Shanshan appeared holding a lot of things.

"Qianqian, have you changed your clothes? Wow! So beautiful!"

Looking at Chi Qian who had changed into a dress, Yu Shanshan praised her first.

Then she turned to look at Lin Yuan

"But Brother Lin Yuan, you haven't even changed your clothes."

"But okay, he's still handsome. Just barely, it's still worthy of the two of us."

Looking at the tone of reviewer Yu Shanshan,

Lin Yuan and Chi Qian both shook their heads.

They were too lazy to pay attention to her.

"Why did you take so many things? Where is Driver Chen?"

Lin Yuan looked at the big and small bags in Yu Shanshan's hands and asked her.

Driver Chen is the person who sent them here and is mainly responsible for serving them.

"Driver Chen, I have asked him to help us take a lot of things to the observation deck of Yunlan Mountain."

"What I have in my hand include tents, various snacks, fireworks, and……"

Yu Shanshan said a lot of things.

Lin Yuan and Chi Qian also listened.

Looking at it, Yu Shanshan was about to be crushed.

Lin Yuan and Chi Qian could only step forward to help.

One person helped Yu Shanshan raise a little more.

But what Lin Yuan and Chi Qian didn't expect was.

After taking the things from Yu Shanshan's hand.

Yu Shanshan said to the two of them again:"It would be great to have your help!"

"I still have seven or eight bags of things that I haven't picked up yet. I'll go back and get them. You guys go to where we are watching the fireworks first!"

Without waiting for the two to answer,

Yu Shanshan took the elevator and ran downstairs.

Lin Yuan shook his head, and had to turn to Chi Qian and said,"Come on, Qian Qian, let's go up first. Chi

Qian also nodded:"Well, Shanshan is always like this. Let's go to the viewing position first.""

One person was carrying a large bag of snacks and other things that Yu Shanshan threw over.

Lin Yuan and Chi Qian went to the observation deck first.

The observation deck.

It was designed by Yunlan Mountain to allow people to watch the clouds from a better angle. The scenery of Lanshan Mountain.

There is also the location of the fireworks display. It is on the mountainside of Yunlan Mountain.

The observation deck seems to have part of the ownership of this star hotel in Yunlan Mountain.

So Lin Yuanchiqian and the others were honored guests.

They also got a best angle. Good location.

Although the viewing platform was already bustling at this time. There were quite a lot of people.

But there was a VIP location.

So Lin Yuan and Chi Qian easily came to the one on the mountainside that was quieter, spacious and not crowded.

The angle was also the best.

When they arrived at the open space ,

Lin Yuan and Chi Qian discovered that tents had already been set up here, carpets were laid , and melon seeds, fruits, etc. were even laid out.


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