But that’s it.

Tang Bowen could only bite the bullet and continue talking.

Tang Bowen continued to have a smile on his face and said:"Young Master Lin, you really helped me a lot while my eldest brother and I were fighting for this. But I can't sign this contract because this contract is really It's too much"

"In this contract, almost half of the Tang family's property will be directly or indirectly attributed to you and the Lin family."

"If I sign this contract, the Tang family will not be so much mine as it will be yours, Mr. Lin."

Hearing Tang Bowen's words,

Lin Yuan was not annoyed at all.

He just said to Tang Bowen expressionlessly:"Oh, how can you say this?"

Hearing Lin Yuan finally answered.

Tang Bowen's eyes also flashed with joy.

To be honest, compared to the furious Lin Yuan, he didn't want Lin Yuan to have any reaction.

This kind of unpredictable feeling is really too much. It's not wonderful anymore.

Although Lin Yuan is still unpredictable at this time, at least he has spoken.

And he seems to be willing to communicate.

This makes Tang Bowen feel very relaxed.

He is not aware of his emotions. has been seriously affected by Lin Yuan.

Tang Bowen then said:"As I just said, if I sign this contract, the Tang family will suffer too much loss, and I can't bear it."……"

Tang Bowen pointed to the terms.

The disadvantages were stated one by one.

The speech is very clear.

Lin Yuan listened on the side.

It's like being an outsider.

While sipping the red wine, he nodded from time to time.

With that, Tang Bowen said:"So, I really can't fully agree to this treaty, Mr. Lin.""

"Such a large amount of property cannot be divided up, otherwise my position as the head of the family will not be secure. Behind me, there are many elders of the Tang family."

Tang Bowen understood with emotion at this time and acted with reason.

The logic of his words was extremely clear.

Very understandable. He was completely different from the person before. Lin Yuan smiled. But he did not answer Tang Bowen. Instead, he said directly:"The matters regarding the contract were all promised to me when you asked me for help in dealing with your brother." Tang Bowen nodded:"Yes, Mr. Lin always does things clearly, and I, Tang, understand very well!" Looking at Tang Bowen's face full of admiration, Lin Yuan smiled and said:"So, you are going to regret it now?" Looking at Lin Yuan's chuckle. Tang Bowen said righteously:"Young Master Lin, I did promise you these things before. I regret it now. It is indeed my fault.


"But you, Mr. Lin, have done everything without any problems?"

Tang Bowen looked at Lin Yuan who was smiling without saying a word.

He decided to show off his cards directly.

Tang Bowen pointed directly at the contract and said:"These clauses are intertwined, just like bricks piled up one after another, forming a completely closed blockade. A dead man's house"

"Mr. Lin, do you dare to say that you are not secretly plotting to control my Tang family?"

Tang Bowen looked directly at Lin Yuan.

He decided to have a showdown with Lin Yuan.

He swept away the submissive look he had shown when he asked for help in front of Lin Yuan.

But when Tang Bowen directly revealed his thoughts and plans,

Lin Yuan He was still not annoyed at all.

He just smiled and said nothing.

Tang Bowen seemed to have thought that Lin Yuan would react like this.

Then he smiled at Lin Yuan and said:"Young Master Lin, don't be too angry. Falling out is not good for both parties."

"I just want to negotiate with you and ask to modify the contract. I know that you have helped me, but I hope that Mr. Lin will not go too far."


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