Looking at Lin Yuan's leaving figure.

Yun Yaxuan's mood was still ups and downs.

Under the red skirt, her legs are close together.

The figure is graceful and graceful.

But my mood was extremely mixed.

She was extremely nervous when she shook hands with Lin Yuan just now.

At that time, Yun Yaxuan hoped that Lin Yuan would leave quickly.

But at this time Lin Yuan really left.

But it made Yun Yaxuan feel a little empty in her heart.

There is a feeling of loss.

There was even a hint of regret.

I hope Lin Yuan will come back soon. what happened?

Yun Yaxuan shook her head vigorously.

For some reason she felt in the presence of this man.

The heart beats inexplicably fast.

And emotions can fluctuate easily.

Yun Yaxuan had a vague guess in her mind.

But it was overturned immediately.

I really don't know what's going on.

It's probably just an illusion

"The incident of bag snatching just happened, so it was probably an illusion caused by the suspension bridge effect."

"Hmm... It should be, we can't be affected by this."

Yun Yaxuan murmured.

But logically speaking, after knowing the suspension bridge effect, if it is clear that this is the case, her mood should be much calmer.

But Yun Yaxuan's heart is still beating.

And it is beating more and more. The faster.

Yun Yaxuan naturally didn't know.

This was not just a suspension bridge effect.

The main reason was the medicinal effect of Lian Lizhi.

But Yun Yaxuan could not have thought of this. And she did not dare to think too much about other things..

Dragging the suitcase.

Yun Yaxuan planned to go home quickly.

At this moment, Aunt Meng also called.

Yun Yaxuan quickly answered the call.

"Hey Yaxuan, have you come out of the airport? I still haven't seen you. Why haven't you come out for so long? Did something happen?"

Aunt Meng on the other end of the phone asked Yun Yaxuan with concern as soon as she answered the call.

Yun Yaxuan quickly replied:"No...it's okay Aunt Meng. I'll be out soon!"

Dragging the suitcase, Yun Yaxuan also speeded up her pace to go out.

She was ready to get in the car and go home.

At the same time, she also didn't want to worry Aunt Meng.

But just when she was about to leave,

Yun Yaxuan suddenly hesitated again.

Again He said to Aunt Meng on the phone:"Aunt Meng, please wait a moment, I... I'll go to the toilet first!"


Didn't wait for Aunt Meng's reply to finish.

Yun Yaxuan suddenly hung up the phone.

Then he quickly ran towards the toilet.

Yun Yaxuan didn't know why.

She has always been extremely ladylike.

Suddenly I felt a little bit.

Can't hold it in anymore……



Yun Yaxuan after cleaning up.

I don't know when I had changed into a plain white dress.

From red to white.

He also packed several pieces of clothing he had changed into tightly and stuffed them into his suitcase.

At the sink, Yun Yaxuan picked up a handful of cold water and washed her face.

Then he barely regained his composure and walked out of the airport.

As soon as I walked out of the airport.

Yun Yaxuan saw Aunt Meng and the familiar Yun family's car.

After saying hello.

Yun Yaxuan gently pressed her heart, which was beating faster again.

Got in the Yun family's car


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