At this time, the thief had just finished grabbing the bag.

He was running away in a panic.

He couldn't care less about Lin Yuan on the road.

He saw Lin Yuan standing in front of him, somewhat blocking the road.

He stepped aside directly.

I plan to pass it directly from the side.

But he just changed direction.

Then he found Lin Yuan in front of him.

The position seems to have changed too.

Stopped right in front of him again.

The thief quickly moved a few points to the left again.

But look up again.

Lin Yuan is still right in front

"This kid, for me, you want a hero to save the beauty, right?"

The thief gritted his teeth and discovered Lin Yuan's deliberate move.

He no longer turned.

Instead, he sprinted forward with all his strength.

He planned to directly hit this young man with exquisite clothes and extraordinary temperament.

This thief is also considered to be physically strong. Strong.

Moreover, he was sprinting over at an extremely fast speed.

The whistling wind was extremely intimidating.

Most people would have to get out of the way when they saw it.

After all, being hit would probably result in serious injuries.

But Lin But Yuan stood motionless on the spot.

His face was extremely calm.

This little thiefLin Yuan looked like this.

He also sneered in his heart.

It's not like this has never happened before.

Just like before.

Just knock the tall and tall man in front of you away. boom!

There was a muffled sound.

Lin Yuan passed by this thief quickly.

Mao Thief's right shoulder hit Lin Yuan's right shoulder hard. so hard!

These were the thief's last thoughts.

He just felt as if he had hit an extremely hard wall.

It even felt like my shoulder blade was broken and dislocated.

Then he was sent flying back by the reaction force.

He hit the ground hard and lost consciousness.

As for Lin Yuan, who was rushed and hit by such an adult.

But his expression didn't change at all.

The body did not move at all.

With his current physique of 300 points.

No bullet can penetrate it.

As long as he wants to be harder than diamond.

So how could it be knocked over by a mere thief?

If it would be shaken even a little bit by the impact, it would be extremely strange.

This situation. is normal.

Therefore, Lin Yuan's expression remained calm.

He walked towards the little thief who was lying on the ground and couldn't move.

He casually picked up Yun Yaxuan's satchel that had just been taken away by him.

And this scene at this time.

It was also seen by Yun Yaxuan not far away.

Yun Yaxuan on the other side had just taken out her mobile phone.

I was still preparing to call Aunt Meng and others.

At this time, I saw the thief falling to the ground.

His beautiful eyes widened as well.

Just like the people around me.

Looking at this scene quite surprised.

But she quickly reacted.

Yun Yaxuan quickly hung up the phone she was about to dial.

Then he dragged his suitcase and walked towards Lin Yuan.

Yun Yaxuan, dressed in a red dress, quickly dragged her suitcase.

Arriving in front of Lin Yuan.

Because the pace is a bit hasty.

There was also a little fragrant sweat on her smooth forehead.

The chest was also heaving a little.

Panting slightly.

Without waiting for Yun Yaxuan to speak.

Lin Yuan first calmly handed the bag in his hand to Yun Yaxuan and said,"This bag is yours, right?"

Yun Yaxuan subconsciously reached out and took the bag.

While panting, he suppressed the sudden palpitations and rapid heartbeat in his heart.

Say thank you

"yes thank you……"

While saying thank you.

Yun Yaxuan raised her head.

Only then did he see Lin Yuan clearly.

Then suddenly I realized.

The person in front of her helped her.

Not exactly what she just encountered.

The man who helped him pick up his wallet and return it?

Yun Yaxuan's heartbeat inexplicably accelerated, and she quickly said:"Thank you very much. I have a lot of important documents in my bag. Thank you for helping me get them back.""

"What a coincidence. We have just met him once."

Yun Yaxuan had a polite smile on her beautiful face and thanked Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan also smiled and answered casually:"Well, this is the second time we meet today. It's really a coincidence, young lady."


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