It actually represents women.

The most private place.

After reaching this conclusion.

Xie Shiyin sat blankly beside the bed.

His cheeks couldn't help but become red and hot.

Xie Shiyin had already learned from Lin Yuan's words.

I heard what I needed to do to save Xie Shixuan.

What Lin Yuan said.

It has to strongly stimulate the densely populated areas of neurons in the body.

And it has to be rhythmic.

Convey messages using Morse code, etc.

Awakening Xie Shixuan's consciousness, which was currently in the hazy darkness.

Approximate situation.

Lin Yuan has already told Xie Shiyin.

Xie Shiyin is not a little girl either.

She is an adult girl.

And she is also a painter who draws small social pictures.

These are also relatively clear.

What Lin Yuan said was completely correct.

The entire theoretical logic.

It's all crystal clear.

It is also completely consistent with the hospital's test results.

Xie Shiyin also knew it completely. but.

She is still very confused!

Because I want to wake up Xie Shixuan.

The excitement must be conveyed through the connection between her and Xie Shixuan.

The prerequisite is that she must be stimulated.

And the way to stimulate her.

It turned out to be that method.

Thinking of Teacher Lin’s handsome voice and appearance.

Xie Shiyin's face turned red.

Then I was extremely confused.

Xie Shiyin couldn't talk about this kind of thing at all, and couldn't bring it up.

She was very guilty and anxious at this time, and wanted to save her sister Xie Shixuan.

There is also the fear of taking that step. to be honest.

If it just takes that step with Lin Yuan and doesn't include other things.

Xie Shiyin felt nothing.

Because it’s actually in Xie Shiyin’s heart.

He also has a great impression of Lin Yuan.

Just because of my sister Xie Shixuan.

Xie Shiyin is not easy to fight for.

So I kept suppressing the good feelings in my heart.

If it weren't for my sister Xie Shixuan.

I'm afraid Xie Shiyin can't help but want to develop a further relationship with Lin Yuan, Teacher Lin.

But sister Xie Shixuan exists.

She felt that there was still a barrier between her and Lin Yuan.

And she wanted to take that step with Lin Yuan now.

If you take that step.

It was also because he wanted to save Xie Shixuan.

And then there is nothing else at all.

She and Teacher Lin Yuanlin did not have a natural relationship between lovers at all.

Not even a couple.

It's more of a friendship.

She is like this.

Isn't it too unfair to Lin Yuan?

Ask for your own ideas.

He actually wanted to ask Lin Yuan to do such an outrageous thing.

Will Teacher Lin think that I... am a bad girl...

Will she dislike me...

Will she find me disgusting...

Xie Shiyin clutched her chest tightly.

I couldn't hold it down with my hands, and I couldn't let go of my mood at all.

My heart is full of confusion and fear.

Xie Shiyin already understood Lin Yuan's words.

That method would most likely revive Xie Shiyin after stimulation.

But she asked Lin Yuan to help her use that method.

It's so shameful.

And it's too unfair to brother Lin Yuan.

After all, Xie Shiyin is just a young girl who has just grown up.

Not too old.

I haven't experienced much.

Think of this.

She was extremely ashamed.

Where can I open my mouth?

But if this is not the case.

My sister Xie Shixuan couldn't wake up. in this way.

Xie Shiyin was completely unacceptable. But if you really take it a step further with Lin Yuan , your relationship will become even better. It became that situation. What should Shixuan do? Xie Shiyin was really confused at this time. The whole heart seemed to be torn into thousands of petals, and each petal was intensely tangled. Although very shy. But looking at Xie Shixuan who was lying on the hospital bed at this time. In the end, Xie Shiyin made a decision

"If it were Teacher Lin, it wouldn’t be the case either.……"

"As long as Shixuan can be saved,……"

"I don’t know what I should do after Xie Shixuan wakes up……"

After struggling for a long time.

Xie Shiyin finally made a decision.

After making the decision, Xie Shiyin's cheeks turned red.

The originally fair and tender skin all over the body looked slightly pink.

Apparently he was extremely upset


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